HT original Predator- photo thread

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Hehe... I thought someone would have posted a screenshot from the AVP movie, but Jedah Kalm found even better. I would read this comic well (from the cover, it looks cool).
A bit away from the concept of P1, subject of this thread, friends, but doesn't matter... :D
See, that's how much I don't like the AvP's. I didn't even think about that. However, I remember reading the "Cold War" comic book as a teenager and loving it. I actually still have the original 4 part series.
See, that's how much I don't like the AvP's. I didn't even think about that. However, I remember reading the "Cold War" comic book as a teenager and loving it. I actually still have the original 4 part series.

I share your opinion about AVP, my friend. Even if I have the DVDs of the 5 movies that treated the subject, I think the best of all is still the first, and this by far. The last one (Predators), I prefer not to talk so I find it pathetically poor in terms of screenwriting...

Thank you my friend.

N/P, it jumped right into my mind.

I share your opinion about AVP, my friend. Even if I have the DVDs of the 5 movies that treated the subject, I think the best of all is still the first, and this by far. The last one (Predators), I prefer not to talk so I find it pathetically poor in terms of screenwriting...

Thank you! I also prefer to not talk about Predators. From now on it shall be called, "The movie that shall not be named." :rotfl
Predators was like a joke or something...a spoof movie.
Words cant describe how disgusted I was with that movie.
AVP(especially 2) was terrible too, but Predators is really something else.
Predators had a great Cast and a great score. It also decided to take the franchise further and explore on its own universe rather than just cramming 2 franchises together (AVP) to see what would happen. Even if it did ask more questions than questions it answered.

Predators is a passable movie. More people seem to like Predators than so-called Predator fans.

I wonder if this is because people expect too much because they wanted one so hard rather than just going with the flow. Or everybody has been thinking about the franchise so hard for the last 20 years that they have their own fanfic in their minds and expect it to happen in some form on screen. Or comic book continuity was thrown out the window (not that id know because ive never seen any but i have seen it discussed). Or if KPH doesnt come back from the dead to do the suit work.

It had its flaws but people seem to think theres a massive gap in quality between the first and last movie directly. There really isnt.
Predators had a great Cast and a great score. It also decided to take the franchise further and explore on its own universe rather than just cramming 2 franchises together (AVP) to see what would happen. Even if it did ask more questions than questions it answered.

Predators is a passable movie. More people seem to like Predators than so-called Predator fans.

I wonder if this is because people expect too much because they wanted one so hard rather than just going with the flow. Or everybody has been thinking about the franchise so hard for the last 20 years that they have their own fanfic in their minds and expect it to happen in some form on screen. Or comic book continuity was thrown out the window (not that id know because ive never seen any but i have seen it discussed). Or if KPH doesnt come back from the dead to do the suit work.

It had its flaws but people seem to think theres a massive gap in quality between the first and last movie directly. There really isnt.

I think its just cuz the movie is TERRIBLE.
I dont fall under any of those categories you listed...I just found the movie plain horrible.

And there is a MASSIVE gap in quality between the 1st movie and the last ones.
The 1st movie is incredible, the new one is horrible...thats a pretty big gap.
I do find it funny when folks dump on Predators as tho Predator and Predator 2 were masterpeices.
Predator 2 is a rather clumsey movie with little or no story.
They are fun movies and I truly love them but materpieces they are not.

I personally think Predators does exactly what the franchise needed, ie a reminder about what we love. Kick ass B-movie monster action. Much like Expendables it's a dumb fun movie with an old skool feel.

AVP movie don't exist as far as I am concerned as they are truly bad movies by any sense of good taste especially the second one which I had to switch off.
To say Predators is a bad movie is just wrong in my opinion. It may be dumb (which Predator was also) but it is most certainly not a bad movie.
... We are necessarily brought to have to compare Predator and Predators, for the simple reason, it is that this last opus made constantly references:

- Anecdote told by Alice Braga (alias Isabelle) about the first one Predator in the jungle of the Guatemala.
- Music
- Predator chained
- Etc....

But the (dumb, as Eamon wrote) writing is really distressing to my taste. An inconsistent scenario, a story which has no sense, and the end... To make me laugh for ever, so much because that's a great no matter what.
The first one, perhaps not a masterpiece for some of us, is at least a cult movie in the genre, which is certainly not for the last one, because very few creative and many pumping back ceaselessly into the "ever seen".

Well, we could speak about it during hours but I believe that that is not really worth it.

A good movie is and will always stay above all a good story.
I think its just cuz the movie is TERRIBLE.I dont fall under any of those categories you listed...I just found the movie plain horrible.

And there is a MASSIVE gap in quality between the 1st movie and the last ones.
The 1st movie is incredible, the new one is horrible...thats a pretty big gap.
But see, the thing is, you're wrong.
It had a great story, great acting, great designs, great score, and expanded the Predator universe.
Not to mention the overall feel to the movie, which was exactly how it should have been.
How about you give some examples of how "the movie is TERRIBLE.".
Can you honestly say AvP: R was better than Predators?....... :rotfl
There was clearly more story in Predators than there was in Predator and Predator 2 combined.

Story wise Predators is the strongest of the three as you are left with more questions at the end than either of the other two.

Cult classics take time to be cult classics and I will put good money that Predators will sit well with the first two in time.

Hopefully AVP will just go away. :D
I agree...I actually think story-wise Predators was most entertaining and had more interesting characters. Predator 1 was awesome and I guess always number 1, but in the story, dialogue, and acting department, what exactly pointed towards a "masterpiece"? If anything, I probably got most entertainment out of Predators simply because of the higher production costs and better graphics, etc. Yah, a movie should not be rated soley based on its production costs and graphics, but for many viewers, a movie is rated by "superficial" visual entertainment value.

Not sure how everyone determines if they like a movie or not, but for me, all of the Predator and AVP movies were "entertaining", and featured "characters" of interest to me. For me, thats worth the admission ticket.

I think I have too high of a tolerance for movies in general, and get a kick out of most of the movies I see. Maybe its just the feeling of relaxing and kicking back to see a film that I enjoy.
You are right, guys, and it's a good attitude that to enjoy a movie just for entertainment. And although I think the last will never reach at the first in terms of creativity or interest, I will watch it again many times, like other movies just to entertain myself... Paradoxical?
But see, the thing is, you're wrong.
It had a great story, great acting, great designs, great score, and expanded the Predator universe.
Not to mention the overall feel to the movie, which was exactly how it should have been.
How about you give some examples of how "the movie is TERRIBLE.".
Can you honestly say AvP: R was better than Predators?....... :rotfl

It felt like a cheap, badly made fan made rip off of predator one.
Even dialogue was used from the movie and other movies too.
The characters were cheesey too.
Bear Gyrlls and Oleg Taktaroff were the only decent characters in my opinion.