HT original Predator- photo thread

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Predator of course being the campion of well made movies with it's often bad lighting, visable yet blown off body parts and lets not forget the enlighting and not at all cheesy dialog.

Come now! :)

Nostalgia vrs logic methinks!

I love Predator but I'm not gonna kid myself as to how good it really was.

If you want truly badly made movies in the very technical, the art or movie making sense, go watch AVP2 or anything by Ewe Ball! ;)
Predator of course being the campion of well made movies with it's often bad lighting, visable yet blown off body parts and lets not forget the enlighting and not at all cheesy dialog.

Come now! :)

Nostalgia vrs logic methinks!

I love Predator but I'm not gonna kid myself as to how good it really was.

If you want truly badly made movies in the very technical, the art or movie making sense, go watch AVP2 or anything by Ewe Ball! ;)

Nah, man.
Nostalgia has nothing to do with it.
Theres just way too much cheese in predators.
The samarai battle and the final battle immediately come to mind.
It just seems like its trying too hard.
If I watched it more recently, maybe I could go into more detail but these are the things I remember thinking about it.
And again, the dialogue seems to be ripped straight from predator 1 and other movies.
Im sure I remember hearing some alien/s quotes LOL
Thats not right, my friend.

It might not be bad compared to some films, but when compared to predator 1, it is VERY bad IMHO.
Nah, man.
Nostalgia has nothing to do with it.
Theres just way too much cheese in predators.
The samarai battle and the final battle immediately come to mind.
It just seems like its trying too hard.
If I watched it more recently, maybe I could go into more detail but these are the things I remember thinking about it.
And again, the dialogue seems to be ripped straight from predator 1 and other movies.
Im sure I remember hearing some alien/s quotes LOL
Thats not right, my friend.

It might not be bad compared to some films, but when compared to predator 1, it is VERY bad IMHO.

Oh I think nostalgia has everything to do with it dude. ;)

Let's see:
Big bicep hand grab at the very start. I guess that's not cheesy right? How about the amazing and not all dated dialog "Srap this on your sore ass Blane", "stick around" and the mother of all cheesy lines "I ain't got time to bleed".

I think you are on cloud nine if you think that stuff ain't cheesy buddy. :)

I think you need to watch Predators again dude as I think you are raving mad calling it a bad movie and siting Predator as a masterpiece.

That's not just my opinion either, that is most reputable movie critics' opinion.

How did we get down this path anyways? We waiting on more pics from Baloo?
I aint got time to bleed is not cheesy but a classic line from a great action movie that combine action and horror. At that time no movie has done that.
I agree it is indeed a classic line but I think you are living in a parrell universe if you don't think it's cheesy.

The fact that it's super chessy is one of the reasons why it is a classic line in the first place. ;)

Am I talking to people who still wear their Guns'n'Roses Appetite for Destruction t-shirts by any chance?! :D ;)
There was clearly more story in Predators than there was in Predator and Predator 2 combined.

Story wise Predators is the strongest of the three as you are left with more questions at the end than either of the other two.

Cult classics take time to be cult classics and I will put good money that Predators will sit well with the first two in time.

Hopefully AVP will just go away. :D

I agree wholeheartedly. :lecture:lecture:lecture
btw any of you know what a displayed p1 is going for atm?

There was one in the F/S thread recently that was $475. $350-450 is probably what I'd expect to pay after some hunting but you might want to see if they make a new p1 for predators. But if you hate the new ones the p1 is a must have.
Hey awesome pics is it true that ht is making a classic predator based off the predators movie? Can anyone give some real info on this.
Its pure speculation. But it would make sense if they did because they just need to remake the P1 with a few adjustments such as a damaged Bio and some blood. So it would be very do-able.

The only wonder i have if they do make one is if they will re-release the jungle base or if there would be a few new gadgets due to them removing the trophies from classic(P1)

What id LOVE but will never happen.. probably is if we have a half cloaked version of the figure Ala battle scene with black. That would be unique.
btw any of you know what a displayed p1 is going for atm?

depends if you have everything it came with including the box. repackaged with everything you can get 300+ for it on ebay. and if that's the path you choose sell internationally, chances are higher you'll be able to sell it for more money than locally and you can adjust shipping prices for international buyers. that's just my experience with selling HT predator figures on ebay. but that's just me.