Super Freak
You don't smell that bad to me. Anyway I have my own problems with scent.
Here are some pics ya charmer.
Same box
BD Sticker
The Medikit
The Jaws
Medikit attaches via slotted hole/Ventilator plugs into hole in armour.
My Review. The BD Predator2 is another Hot Toys marvel. It wasn't that hard to put together, and the instructions are a good enough aid. The knee guards, I just used a paper clip to hold his netting down, whilst edging it up over the calf, then it was home. Everything else was relatively easy. This Pred comes with lots of extra's. Once assembled, changing over any of the accessories ends in the need to reassemble some other part. His armour vest is in two parts for easy assembly, but it comes apart easily as well, once on. Three right hands, one left, rather odd. The left shin guard has a holster of some sort but whatever goes in there isn't included. The medikit attaches onto the back of the armour. I had a quick go at mounting it but was unsuccessful. I'm not going to attach it at this point, until I sort out how I want to display it because it will undoubtedly fall off if I try to change something else. I may leave it off all together. The shoulder canon is minimal and versatile, I like it. It's a great figure with lots of accessories, but much of it will sit in the box. Not a practical figure by any means. It's a great figure but nowhere near as good as the Pred 2 Elder.
You guys hanging out for the P2 Elder are really going to have something to sing about. There's something about the Elder that isn't replicated in the warrior. He just looks better standing, let alone posing. Yep The P2 Elder wins the day fer sure.
that '"holster"on his left shin, its a net gun.his fingers go in the slot.. illput up some pics of mine holding it when i get back home.