but does it matter if they are his own designs? Like, he has taken the idea of the predator for most scultpures, and altered the looks of them to be somewhat different from what we've seen.
I think they are ok as he is not sculpting "the one from the film" etc.
I know what you mean Devil, that does make sense, not "original", but "new"you are right in what your saying man, I personally don't really know, I was just assuming. Yeah, it's hard to get one as good a quality as the original item.
Everyone here talks S*!T about recasts and most of the people here have bought recasted S*!T....I dont get it...All of a sudden everyone jumped on the "no recasters" bandwagon...
I guess that is another thing.I bought one thing that was recasted back when I didn't even know what recasting was.
Ever since, I've been very against it. The ONLY exception I make is small insignificant stuff like the bios Elder is selling, because there is NOT a cheap way to go about getting 'official' Hot Toys bio's separately.
I guess that is another thing.
Also, Adam, I take it the guy on eBay never responded to you about a replacement arm?
Wow, he's helpful.I messaged him, he said to take it up with HT, and I'm still waiting on a response.
Edit: And people need to realize, ebay is FULL of ripped off recasts from Billiken, Super Edge, Halcyon, WAT, and other companies - it's not just Narin, so let's not single him out.
Plus I think it would be pointless for big companies to go after people like Narin etc. because in reality those people HELP these companies and their products by keeping the fan base/interest alive. People who buy unlicensed products imo also buy licensed products. Not to mention the people who do unlicensed stuff are fans aswell. Why would a corporation alienate it's own fan base by suing them and cutting off the community that supports the actual product!?
Not to mention, this is strictly my opinion but I think some companies actually STEAL ideas from fans. lol. And again, that right there IS a real loophole for them. If they create something and hold the license, and someone like Narin independantly creates something (illegally) based off of their LICENSED design, technically that company could use that and have no legal ramifications. Since you can't sue someone for "stealing" something you originally stole yourself. lol.
That's also another thing,, this aint cheap, I've spent easily over $250 on supplies, and once the time, and cost of supplies are added to how much I have made, I have a small profit...................real small one.......Edit: That's to say, I don't want to spend upwards to $80 on a pieced out bio helmet some douche bag on ebay is selling, because they know people will bid it up to that dollar amount.
Elder is spending HIS money on the supplies, and selling products back, not making much of a profit (if any), whereas recasters of model kits ARE making significant profit. -- And as much attention as Narin garners, I wouldn't be surprised if he was licensed to do so.
You can say it's a double standard if you want, but I have given Hot Toys PLENTY of my money to warrant TWO ^^^^ing extra bio helmets, and not be raped in my wallet's butthole to get em.
Well then, i guess that means yo bunk my bios too.wow, this has gone off topicbunk recasts
Wow, he's helpful.
Thanks man. You![]()
Yeah, but I don't trust Hot Toys, they take too damn long to reply, and from my experience, their replies suck!He's sort of a douche himself, I know dude didn't speak much English, but come on.
I guess he was sorta right though, I mean it was factory sealed, and it had no signs of being tampered with... just an error. Hopefully Hot Toys will get back to me soon. If they need pictures, I'll let you know man.
Yeah, but I don't trust Hot Toys, they take too damn long to reply, and from my experience, their replies suck!![]()
Well then, i guess that means yo bunk my bios too.
Sorry, not trying to make you feel bad, but they always take weeks to respond to me, just to say "No receipt we no help you. Please buy more our products." I mean, come on Hot Toys, at least add a sorry.Well that makes me feel REAL good.![]()
Hey, guess I better start sending Slug the ones that I think really are garbage.basically yeah![]()
Hey, guess I better start sending Slug the ones that I think really are garbage.![]()
Nope, I acctually tried to give you a good one last time. Well, last time I do that for some..............i thought u did that last time![]()