HT Predator Bling

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You've got some interesting questions, 666 :)

Correct me if I'm wrong but, isn't every single Aliens/Predator piece made by Narin illegal anyways because they're all "fan-made" NON-Licensed products? Technically he's in the wrong for selling his sculptures too.. because it's not his property to sell in the first place.

That gets dragged up in most recasting topics that I've seen...but I always look at it this way:

Even if it is an unlicensed piece which the sculptor does not technically have the rights to produce or sell, they still made an original item with their own skills, time, and hard work. I give them kudos for that, even if it's not a licensed product.

The recaster just slaps together a mold, copies someone else's hard work, and doesn't invest any time other than what it took to make the mold and pour the resin.

Plus I think it would be pointless for big companies to go after people like Narin etc. because in reality those people HELP these companies and their products by keeping the fan base/interest alive. People who buy unlicensed products imo also buy licensed products. Not to mention the people who do unlicensed stuff are fans aswell. Why would a corporation alienate it's own fan base by suing them and cutting off the community that supports the actual product!?

Ask Paramount :D

My understanding is that this basically comes down to protecting copyrights and the marketability of future products. For example, there have been custom Star Wars costumes made for YEARS and selling openly on eBay. Now, a company has come along and indeed does want to make official licensed Star Wars costumes. Unfortunately, part of their market is eroded by all the 'unofficial' products floating around the market. This can cause the company (which actually did pay for the license rights to make said costumes) to lose potential profits because the demand isn't as high with all the other items on the market.
The recaster just slaps together a mold, copies someone else's hard work, and doesn't invest any time other than what it took to make the mold and pour the resin.
Hey man, I beg to differ.

I thought that it would be the same for the bios, but it really is much harder than that. I also invest the time to paint them, time to research how to do it, time to trim flashing, time to fill bubles, time to buy the silicone and resin, and a whole bunc of things.

And yet, I know this is somewhat contradicting, but I disapprove of model kit recasters. Normally, they don't give a shat about the quality of their cast, only the green, how this is different from me is that I cast for the:

A. Fun of doing something with these guys' hels
B. To help out my fellow freaks.

I don't care about the profit, i only care about not spending too much on this, and not evening out in the end. as long as I even out, i'm happy.
Hey man, I beg to differ.

I thought that it would be the same for the bios, but it really is much harder than that. I also invest the time to paint them, time to research how to do it, time to trim flashing, time to fill bubles, time to buy the silicone and resin, and a whole bunc of things.

And yet, I know this is somewhat contradicting, but I disapprove of model kit recasters. Normally, they don't give a shat about the quality of their cast, only the green, how this is different from me is that I cast for the:

A. Fun of doing something with these guys' hels
B. To help out my fellow freaks.

I don't care about the profit, i only care about not spending too much on this, and not evening out in the end. as long as I even out, i'm happy.

Nah, man...I'm not dissing you :)

What you do does definitely involve work. But it's also nowhere near the amount of work as creating a new piece. I think you're seeing that even with just modifying the Narin helm.
Even if it is an unlicensed piece which the sculptor does not technically have the rights to produce or sell, they still made an original item with their own skills, time, and hard work. I give them kudos for that, even if it's not a licensed product.

The recaster just slaps together a mold, copies someone else's hard work, and doesn't invest any time other than what it took to make the mold and pour the resin.

No. Let's be perfectly clear here: Narin adds "NEW" design elements to a pre-existing design NOT created by him. Period. They're not "ORIGINAL". Narin (for example) invests time, money & hard work into Predators that SOMEONE ELSE CREATED FIRST (Stan Winston Studios) who ALSO invest time, money & hard work into those designs/characters.

The arguement is moot because you can't complain about being ripped off when the item in question, IS RIPPED OFF. Just because you took more time, put in more hard work and spent more money in RIPPING OFF that item doesn't magically give you any type of legal or moral ground to stand on. You're missing the point. Would you even know who Narin was if not for Stan Winston, etc. designing the Predator in the first place? NOPE. It's irrelevant how much work/time/money he or any other independant Predator model maker puts in. The easy part is done. All these people, regardless of how creative they get with their designs, they're all using a pre-existing design that's not theirs. If you want to seperate the different degrees of "wrong" and "stealing" fine. It's all the same to me.

Keep in mind: I don't care about recasting like I said, except from a potential buyer's perspective. I think what Narin and others do (with new Predator/Alien designs) is great. But I also think they have ZERO room to speak concerning recasters.
No. Let's be perfectly clear here: Narin adds "NEW" design elements to a pre-existing design NOT created by him. Period. They're not "ORIGINAL". Narin (for example) invests time, money & hard work into Predators that SOMEONE ELSE CREATED FIRST (Stan Winston Studios) who ALSO invest time, money & hard work into those designs/characters.

The arguement is moot because you can't complain about being ripped off when the item in question, IS RIPPED OFF. Just because you took more time, put in more hard work and spent more money in RIPPING OFF that item doesn't magically give you any type of legal or moral ground to stand on. You're missing the point. Would you even know who Narin was if not for Stan Winston, etc. designing the Predator in the first place? NOPE. It's irrelevant how much work/time/money he or any other independant Predator model maker puts in. The easy part is done. All these people, regardless of how creative they get with their designs, they're all using a pre-existing design that's not theirs. If you want to seperate the different degrees of "wrong" and "stealing" fine. It's all the same to me.

Keep in mind: I don't care about recasting like I said, except from a potential buyer's perspective. I think what Narin and others do (with new Predator/Alien designs) is great. But I also think they have ZERO room to speak concerning recasters.

:lol Dude, settle down. I stand by my original point. And I'm not missing your point, I simply don't agree with it. You gotta wrap your head around the concept that when people disagree with you, it's not necessarily because "they just don't get the point".

Do I respect the work involved in creating a new and original statue, even though the Predator design is not of their own invention? Absolutely - these guys sculpted a new work of art from scratch, with no more than design references and their own hands and time. I admire that for any artist, regardless of subject material.

Does Narin have the right to complain if someone else rips off their work by recasting it? Absolutely - the recaster didn't put forth any effort to create anything...they simply made copies of someone else's work.

Should Narin technically be making an unlicensed product for sale, or do they have the right to complain if FOX (or whichever licensee) slaps them with a C&D order, or even sues them? Nope. They never had the license to produce items with the 'Predator' design in the first place.
Dude, settle down. I stand by my original point. And I'm not missing your point, I simply don't agree with it. You gotta wrap your head around the concept that when people disagree with you, it's not necessarily because "they just don't get the point".

um.. NO. You DID miss my point. FYI: I could care less if people agree or disagree with me, I don't argue/debate/state my opinion to get people to agree/disagree with me. I think everyone is smart enough to realize just because something is the consensus that doesn't make it fact or right. I already know with this subject my opinion will be in the minority because I know there's a huge double standard which I pointed out pages ago. I also know people look the other way when small time people rip off corporations. I also know the opposite incites anger in those same people.

You missed my point, deal with it. I bet you can't even reiterate my point. You know, the one you didn't miss. lol..
:lol Whatever works for you, made your point, I made mine. I understood exactly what you said, I just don't agree with it. I'll leave it at that.
Oh for the love of God, I brought up ONE guy who bought a recast and now it's a witch hunt against Narin?

Give me a ^^^^ing break, if you put half the time and effort into making stunning pieces like he does, and had an inkling of talent he does, you'd be pretty pissed off if some ^^^^^^^ recasted it over and over, losing detail and size with every cast. Christ, not to long ago I spent $200 on a Billiken set that was an original, the recasts sell for $12 on ebay! Come on, you KNOW they're bad with that kind of price.

Narin might or might not have a license, but honestly, none of you know for sure - and the way it looks to me you were just out to prove a very tiny point and start a ^^^^ing fight.

Take your Midol, get the sand out of your vagina, and calm the hell down. Christ.
What in the blue hell are you rambling on about!? The only person who needs Midol and apparently has "Sand" in their "Vagina" is YOU. We're having a back and forth discussion/debate that's been pretty civil. The only person who needs to calm down is YOU. The whole reason this thread took a turn to what it is now is because TenZony is the first person who decided to add beads to the Predator Dreads. It's HIS idea.. so I odn't think it's too far off track to discuss HIM a little. If he's a recaster, so be it. But the only one who seems upset is you man. lmao..
What in the blue hell are you rambling on about!? The only person who needs Midol and apparently has "Sand" in their "Vagina" is YOU. We're having a back and forth discussion/debate that's been pretty civil. The only person who needs to calm down is YOU. The whole reason this thread took a turn to what it is now is because TenZony is the first person who decided to add beads to the Predator Dreads. It's HIS idea.. so I odn't think it's too far off track to discuss HIM a little. If he's a recaster, so be it. But the only one who seems upset is you man. lmao..

Excuse me?

He isn't a recaster, he BOUGHT it from a recaster, I asked a simple question, 'if he was the guy with the recasted Narin Axerator,' and then this turned into, a "right or wrong" thing about Narin. It's ^^^^ing ridiculous.

"Well gee Bullwinkle, I fink dat Narin is a bad bad man, and wecasting is just peachy."

Ever since you came here, it's like you've had a superiority complex, calling people "comic book losers" telling people to "get a life." Since day one you've been an ^^^^^^^ on here, check your ^^^^ing ego, *******.
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lmao.. you still mad. Guess that's what happens when you have no lady friends except Supergirl and Wonder Woman. Learn to read inbetween worshipping your action figures loser, I don't have a problem with Narin or anyone like him. I also don't have a problem with recasters. It doesn't matter to me. I don't knock people's hustles.

Virgin angst. Now I see why there's so much anger in your avy. I guess it's time for you to play the tuba right? Or karaoke "hey pretty ladies.. across the world". Sap.
lmao.. you still mad. Guess that's what happens when you have no lady friends except Supergirl and Wonder Woman. Learn to read inbetween worshipping your action figures loser, I don't have a problem with Narin or anyone like him. I also don't have a problem with recasters. It doesn't matter to me. I don't knock people's hustles.

Virgin angst. Now I see why there's so much anger in your avy. I guess it's time for you to play the tuba right? Or karaoke "hey pretty ladies.. across the world". Sap.

You're cute.

The only 'comicy' ^^^^ I'm into is Predator and Alien, check my post history, I might have TWO posts outside of this board. I don't give a ^^^^ about Spiderman, I could throw up all over Star Wars, Superman sucks, and I could give a ^^^^ about Batman.

My life consist of punk shows, hanging out, traveling, and collecting cool ^^^^ when I see it and have the money. As for being a virgin, I'm not - and for whatever reason you really grasp on to making fun of people who are, you're the sap, not me.

Now that I've 'bunked' your personal attack against me, which had NOTHING to do with a damn thing, I can't wait to see what you cook up in the meth lab that is your head. Now please, check your old posts and see how 'high and mighty' you try to come off being.

Which by the way, I don't recall ever seeing why you act so much better than 'nerds' on here, wanna run that by me again?