It's Banner's father.
That was one of my theories too...or another Banner split...but Loeb is a big caca, so it can be anybody....
I like this one, gosh I hope Loeb can redeem himself with the identity. If it is a big reveal, it may at least salvage the story. Plz Loeb!!! Do it right.
in june:
Its not She-Hulk she was fighting Rulk along with the other Lady Liberators and he pawned her on the S.H.E.I.L.D. Helicarrier.maybe its She-Hulk?
I've been looking at Hulk for the art (Can't say that I've been reading it for the stories) but having McGuinness work on this character is a great match, and even the fill-in artists were top-notch, Art Adams is one of my all time faves. It'll be nice to see who Rulk is, but I can drop this book once McGuiness moves onto another title.
So unless I missed it Hulk #600 didn't have a big reveal. And now they are back to the old numbering, with Hulk #13 this week?
So unless I missed it Hulk #600 didn't have a big reveal. And now they are back to the old numbering, with Hulk #13 this week?
There was no big reveal. They lied. And Hulk will continue with old numbering. Hulk #600 becomes Incredible Hulk #601 next month. Confused yet? The rest of marvel fans are.
Three different Hulk books:
Hulk featuring RULK, #15 on sale in Sept
Incredible Hulk featuring Banner and Skaar..for now, #602 on sale in Sept
Son of Hulk, #15 on sale in Sept featuringa 2nd Son of Hulk other than Skaar