No harm no foul, dude. Just trying to make sense of what you say and why/how you say it. Thanks for the reply.
No problem... I just took it a bit to heart because that is not my style.
This thread got soiled :/
Sorry for my part in that.
No harm no foul, dude. Just trying to make sense of what you say and why/how you say it. Thanks for the reply.
This thread got soiled :/
I can bet a million dollars that if you landed an XM Magneto at retail, you'd be creaming in your pants when you got him, and wouldn't make the same mistake selling him off the way you sold off that Og Sideshow Hulk years back. You make no sense when you say that you'd sell the XM Magneto in a heartbeat because you have no connection to the character, yet you openly admitted that you have absolutely no connection to Lobo, but you decided to buy him anyway. So why haven't you sold Lobo "in a heartbeat" yet? I know's the same reason why you wouldn't sell XM's Magneto in a heartbeat if he was sitting in your living room today.
Are you kidding me when you say you wouldn't buy XM's Magneto for $450 if Sideshow made it and sold it for that price due to lack of love? You JUST bought SS's Lobo for $600, and again, you admitted there is no connection you have with that character. C'mon Jaws...
Come on.. I don;t do it that much and other then picking on you in the XM wolverine thread... I am very respectful of their Pieces and fans in those threads.
Just want you to be consitant also.... One min you are telling Spidey that 50.00 for better QC is stupid the next you say that 850 for good quality is worth it.. It's hard to stay focused when you do that... Stop Confusing me...![]()
oh wow, what did I start??????
back to the movie/tv
Usually you only have to watch out for the IM threads... Hulk threads usually are safe....
Until now...because of Quad....the menace.
SOB!!!!!! Burn him!
No it's not. Might be 5 total discussions I have had with you (and pretty much you alone, why is that?) About XM. A few times about price. Once about QC (about your Wolverine) and once when I thought XM should have it's own section... I still do...
Either you want to pay 850.00 for QC or not pay 50.00 for QC... Which is it..
That's nice. Who cares?Just because you hate some of SSC choices does not mean everyone else does.
Who knows and who cares?I wonder how many of your 21,975 posts in the past 4 years is bitching about SSC.
Sorry you have so much ******** over Iron Man... The rest of SSC stuff is pretty great without the 50.00 QC Spidey suggestion and the 450.00 XM mark up.
I like you Y4NK... But you are the one who sin circles and takes comments out of contexts. You accuse others of deflecting from an argument when THAT is what you do.
(I mean you are allowed to bring up my past post.. Why can't I bring up yours?)
And you tend to be somewhat di respectful in your post. You act like you are innocent in you questions (would you pay 850 for that quality?) like it had nothing to do with XM and their "quality pieces and prices"... You can say it didn't but all of your past post point to something much different. Anyone who knows you know what you meant behind that comment.
As a matter of fact my first comment about XM was directed to quadcent as he brought up Xm not you.... But I complained about XM prices and thus had to suffer the wrath of Y4NKDoes not matter that I have given praise to XM... I am not 100% in love with them... So BAD JAWS!!! BAD!!!
I will take the advice others have given me and drop it here.. I will wait and discuss with you when we agree on something... You are far more pleasant then.
Meh.. had a longer reply about everything... Deleted it...Decided its not worth it... Growing tired of the BS. See you at the IM threads![]()
Meh.. had a longer reply about everything... Deleted it...Decided its not worth it... Growing tired of the BS. See you at the IM threads
Oh JAWS.... Just remember
I'm still recovering from my embarrassment at SF
This is exactly what Loki...err...I mean Quad wanted....He's trying to turn each and every one of the Avengers....err....board members against each other.
This is what he wants. It was part of his plan all along. Don't you all see???
I am going to go find him in the movie forum and give him a Hulk smash!!!!
LOL!!! I am done... I cant argue with lies and be asked to follow rules and advice that the other does not follow himself... Hard to carry on a conversation or debate that way. Besides it obviously means more to him then me.![]()