Super Freak
[emoji38] [emoji38] [emoji38]
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What I am saying is that the price for these pieces should not go up from 300 to 850.00.... In fact SSC just started increasing prices over the past 2 years..
I am say 850.00 is 850.00 and I don't see either company putting out pieces that are worth that price to me.
I then compared XM prices to SSC current prices... If people are paying 450.00 for XM over seas then that is great and worth the price IMO... If it still cost 750.00 to 850.00 then that is too much IMO.
You snooze over my complaints over XM prices but I have much fewer posts about that then you have SSC complaints (Which are valid but so are mine)
My whole point is... When SSC puts out a great piece its well under XM prices... But I don't know what the cost is over seas... If its 450 to 550 then the prices are fair... I just know when I have gone to some of the over sea sites the prices start out around 800.00 IMO none of their pieces are worth that much money.
You're really all over the map here, but okay. That's like me saying:If King Hulk cost 650 XM hulk should not be 750.
If Superman is 450 - Wolverine should not be 800.00
That is all I am saying. It just does not add up IMO.
Again... I guess I just have not gotten the pieces you have (Iron Man) and had to deal with the problems you have. So in that regard I will give you the "great mess" argument as Iron Man goes.
Other then that it goes to tastes... Three characters I would consider buying that XM have done are Hulk, Wolverine, and Cap America... Other then Nice paints, none of them are the best representations of the characters for me that all have flaws in their sculpting that would drive me crazy... But that's cool... It's all about opinions...
SO to answer the question you originally posed.... NO I would not pay 850.00 for hulk type statues by SSC. Perhaps once or twice for my ultimate fav character... But I just don't see the justification of a 400.00 price Hike on most pieces. Not when SS does a great job right now.
Give me the new green Hollow Hulk with a better sculpt for 250.00 less then XM hulk any day of the week.
[emoji38] [emoji38] [emoji38]
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?? No... I am not saying that inflation does not play a part.. Just not a 450.00 price hike part.
In fact I put lots of IMO all over the place![]()
Never said you did not have the right to complain... Said you had valid points... Just don't act like your opinion and repetitive posts are better, more legit, or more exciting then anyone else's.
I think I was at this thread before you![]()
I can weigh in on the product by XM because I watched the video. But I always state that they look nice overall.
However By what you are saying you should buy the IP before you make a judgment.
The question was would I pay 450.00 more for a Hulk quality Statue... I stated no... Not by SSC or XM..
You are the one who got frustrated over this... I really don't know why.. as I have stated continuously that 850.00 for a statue is too high... And I would be upset if that started to be the price point SSC used. I used XM as an example because overseas I assume they are paying 850.00 for Wolverine... And that is their business and yours... I think the price is too high. Just an observation and an opinion.
I don't ignore it... I have sang Magnetos praises and after watching a video I gave Wolverine some high praise also... Still does not mean I think that Wolverine is worth 850.00... Have you watched any Lobo videos??? Great piece that many are saying should be considered SOTY even up against XM.. Yet the price is much lower for Lobo... NOW... I am not talking about shipping here to the states... If I lived overseas I don't think I would own too many SSC pieces either as I can just not justify paying 850.00 per collectable... At least not that much and have the collection that I have.
I am not talking about importing... If these piece go to overseas collectors for 500.00 then that makes sense to me... If it's still 750.00 to 850.00 then I think its too high.. You may not and others may not... BUT I am talking about SSC here and being unhappy if they went to that price point..
Not really all over the map... I am comparing quality of King Hulk and XM Hulk and Superman and Wolverine.. Stating that all are great statues.. But XM gets a Huge Mark up.
Again I guess I should ask.. Is Wolverine 500 or 800.00 if I lived overseas? If 500.00 this discussion is over.
As far as those other SSC pieces you mentioned.... those are awful pieces that should go for much less then they do... No argument from me there... 800.00 for Godzilla?? I am so happy they priced me out of Pre ordering that.. I would be very upset if I ordered that at 400.00
I do... 30+ pieces and I have only sent one back. Have had a few issues and But SSC always taken care of those.
You need to have better tastes in what you collect like me.... I know when I see something it will be good quality..JUST KIDDING!!!
I always was... I think you took it into another area... You took it as me bashing XM... I am bashing high prices that's all. 850.00 would drive me and many other collectors out of the hobby... It's not that I can't afford it.. I just can't justify it.. I have a few very expensive pieces... But they mean a lot to me... I would hate it if a character like Superman went for 850.00 because while I really like him I would have a hard time justifying 850.00. Hulk maybe but he is my fav type of collectible statue![]()
Anyways... To make sure you get this... I like XM. I wish they were for sale over here. I think competition is great... But I also don't think that SSC is the awful company that puts out crap after crap.
I tend to enjoy our discussions... Please never take my comments as dissing on XM... I thing the overall presentation they have is great... If Cap had a better face sculpt then I would think without a doubt that it was the best.. If Wolverine had a slightly different pose and head sculpt I would be Jelly all over the place![]()
Out with the old in with the new. When does my hulk pf ship!?!? Haha
One things for sure is ive never seen an XM statue u til a local collector showed me 2 days ago. XM is so awesome! Thier statues are even a bit bigger than SS and the bases are like twice the. Size of ss biggest base along with triple the changeable switch out parts. Pics don't do XM justice at all. In person they are a F@$@ing beast. So well sculpted and so much details. Maybe that's why the XM statues cost more because you would get a slightly bigger PF, triple the switch out options on the base and statue for most of them, and a double size massive base with more parts. But as prices I do admit I'm a bargin shopper myself and love to save mo ey whee I can in order to be able to stay in this over priced hobby.
Are we talking about the hulk PF red, green and grey on this thread? Or is there another new hulk pf that is coming? I see the title of this thread just says hulk PF??
Lol what? With the exception of hulk, every xm statue has seemed slightly smaller than its SSC counterpart. (With the exception of black widow too I think). Right? XM is 1:4 but it's definitely not bigger than SSC... Bases don't count.
New one, just announced during their Online Comic Con. It just went up on their site yesterday, preview of it, ES of 500, not up for PO yet though. Pretty crazy, you should go to their site and check it out.
Lol what? With the exception of hulk, every xm statue has seemed slightly smaller than its SSC counterpart. (With the exception of black widow too I think). Right? XM is 1:4 but it's definitely not bigger than SSC... Bases don't count.
Stating that if SSC quality Hulk was 350.00.... I don't think if released today it would be priced at 800.00 like XM pieces.
You used the sleep icon when referring to my complaints of price... Thus acting like somehow what you have to say is more important and "exciting"...
It was a joke because you claimed I can in here like a dog on poop to go after XM... Not the case.
You can't have it both ways... You can't tell me I can't make an opinion from pics and vids and you can. Having said that I know there is enough in the IP vids to make a valid argument... I also know there is enough in the vids and pics to say I am not a fan of the head sculpts on some of XM pieces thus hurting their value to me.
Again I brought it up because of the whole "would you pay" and "exactly" post that you had earlier... I used XM because they were at that price point already just like Quadcent did... I guess since he agreed with you he did not get an ear full![]()
Didn't you get into it with spidey when he suggested a 50.00 price hike for better quality control?? Maybe it wasn't you... Seems like I sided with you on that one... But 50.00 is nothing compared to 850.00 per piece.
I am comparing because I find Superman to be a great piece.. I find XM Wolverine to be a great piece... I don't find it to be 450.00 greater then Superman... But due to the Base and the change o parts I would say it should be 100.00 more.. (I am again not counting shipping fees)
Wherever it's cheapest to get one... Pick that price.
I am glad you took that well... I was not sure even with the LOL and winks and capital Just Kidding
I think if we were in the same room together you would not think my tone was that of bashing... Much gets lost in the translation of the written word and it's easy to add ones own "voice" to what they see written... No insult was meant towards XM or it's fans.
Again what is worth 1000.00 to one person may not be worth 5.00 to the next I get that... I did not mean to come across as bashing the "quality" I was saying that it the quality is the same as the classic HUL PF I don't think the price is right at XM or SSC.... that all... I am not sure how the quality argument got going and that might have been my fault. I will have to go back and read what I wrote. I know they from watching the videos (Especially the guys review from the other forum) that the quality is there.
CBG agrees with you about XM.... I win![]()
I might..... But It would limit the amount of what I got....
Lets be honest. The Hulk PF is truly a Grail in every sense of the word.. IMO nothing comes close in terms of quality. NOTHING.
But if 850.00 was the regular price for pieces I would be out... With the exception of maybe the Occasional Hulk piece... He is the only character I am willing to lay down almost a 1000.00 for.
But I would not buy an 850.00 statue of anyone else... at least not on a regular basis like I do now at 400.00 +.
The Hulk PF just as the best paint apps I have ever seen on ANY statue...
Well I was a different collector back then... Having said that... Just because I think it's the best does not mean its my Fav... Lobo is one of the top SSC pieces also IMO but far from my fav. Just stating that the Hulk is an amazing piece and one of, if not the all time best all around statues SSC has ever done... It's just not my fav... If it was I would have rebought a long time ago. Also as I have mentioned... No income makes you do stupid thingsI have stated before that I think XM magneto is by far XM best piece and one of the best looking statues ever... I would however sell it in a heart beat as I really have no connection to the character.
PS - I don't mean to turn this into an XM discussion... I think they do great work.. They just have yet to do a piece of work that I think is worth the price point for me.. (Magnet don't count because I would not buy that same piece from SSC for 450.00.. due to the lack of love for the character)
I can bet a million dollars that if you landed an XM Magneto at retail, you'd be creaming in your pants when you got him, and wouldn't make the same mistake selling him off the way you sold off that Og Sideshow Hulk years back. You make no sense when you say that you'd sell the XM Magneto in a heartbeat because you have no connection to the character, yet you openly admitted that you have absolutely no connection to Lobo, but you decided to buy him anyway. So why haven't you sold Lobo "in a heartbeat" yet? I know's the same reason why you wouldn't sell XM's Magneto in a heartbeat if he was sitting in your living room today.
Are you kidding me when you say you wouldn't buy XM's Magneto for $450 if Sideshow made it and sold it for that price due to lack of love? You JUST bought SS's Lobo for $600, and again, you admitted there is no connection you have with that character. C'mon Jaws...
Sometimes I think you like to call 'black' when everyone else calls 'white' just to hear yourself talk.
No call for that comment.. I don't troll.. Never have. I was stating an opinion. I know it's hard to believe someone might not want the Magneto piece but There are many other statues I would rather have at that price point and have skipped on because of said price.
It's a freaking awsome looking statue.. XM best so far... However I could care less about it.
Other then Wolverine there is not a single X-man I want in my collection. Never a big fan of those comics. I like Wolverine because of his appearences in Hulk comics.
Would I buy a Magneto at retail.. Yep and I would flip him in a second and if I couldnt flip for a profit I would pass.
What is so hard to understand??