Yeah I am waiting to get the new green ex in my house before I decide to go hunting for this guy. Had him once and should have never let him go.

Yeah I am waiting to get the new green ex in my house before I decide to go hunting for this guy. Had him once and should have never let him go.
Yeah I am waiting to get the new green ex in my house before I decide to go hunting for this guy. Had him once and should have never let him go.
Yeah I am waiting to get the new green ex in my house before I decide to go hunting for this guy. Had him once and should have never let him go.
Finally found my grail. Where have you been all my life?
a true grail by any gauge... They don't make them like this, nor will they ever again. Hell if they made a statue like this again it would probably cost at least in the $750-$850 range I would bet..
a true grail by any gauge... They don't make them like this, nor will they ever again. Hell if they made a statue like this again it would probably cost at least in the $750-$850 range I would bet..
Would you pay it if they did?
Congrats on the acquisition sharp!
Would you pay it if they did?
For that quality, I would.
A year of two ago, if the quality was guaranteed....YES, Now though after the last couple years of subpar quality and lacklust art and imagination combined with the continuous rehash/repaints that ssc seems to be content on pumping out....NO. I haven't pulled the trigger on anything for almost a year I'd bet.......To be honest about the only thread I frequent the site for anymore is the movie/tv thread to catch up on new releases and what I might be interested in to catch up on TV show wise.....Sad I know...![]()
For that quality, I would.
oh I gotcha, well I guess all I can do is refer to the XM line.....I think most would, and I would as well if the quality and artistic direction was brought back. I would even get into the XM line, but I just never felt comfortable with the order procedure and now with the outright cancellation of orders by some companies I'm glad I never got into that line.![]()
oh I gotcha, well I guess all I can do is refer to the XM line.....I think most would, and I would as well if the quality and artistic direction was brought back. I would even get into the XM line, but I just never felt comfortable with the order procedure and now with the outright cancellation of orders by some companies I'm glad I never got into that line.![]()
I might..... But It would limit the amount of what I got....
Lets be honest. The Hulk PF is truly a Grail in every sense of the word.. IMO nothing comes close in terms of quality. NOTHING.
But if 850.00 was the regular price for pieces I would be out... With the exception of maybe the Occasional Hulk piece... He is the only character I am willing to lay down almost a 1000.00 for.
But I would not buy an 850.00 statue of anyone else... at least not on a regular basis like I do now at 400.00 +.
The Hulk PF just as the best paint apps I have ever seen on ANY statue...
What people define as 'grail' varies, but I agree this PF is one of SSC's best from back in their prime. Playing devil's advocate, if this was the best statue you ever laid eyes on you wouldn't have sold it.Also, this shouldn't turn into an XM discussion. If you land an XM Magneto, you'd change your tune quick.
You're trying to compare SSC prices a decade ago to XM prices today? Sideshow can't even release the same scale products for the same price today as they did back then, so that makes little sense imo. Not only that, they've gone from full cast pieces to hollow slush casting to cut costs and you're still paying $150 more.![]()
Well I was a different collector back then... Having said that... Just because I think it's the best does not mean its my Fav... Lobo is one of the top SSC pieces also IMO but far from my fav. Just stating that the Hulk is an amazing piece and one of, if not the all time best all around statues SSC has ever done... It's just not my fav... If it was I would have rebought a long time ago. Also as I have mentioned... No income makes you do stupid thingsI have stated before that I think XM magneto is by far XM best piece and one of the best looking statues ever... I would however sell it in a heart beat as I really have no connection to the character.
I think you missed my point.... People are complaining that SSC prices are going up... Which I understand... But I feel (I could be wrong) even if the quality was still Grail quality people would still complain... My point about XM is that 850.00 is too much... SSC have released pieces as of late that are as good as XM in quality and style but the price is much lower... Granted SSC has some misses... But they also release a lot more items (for better or worse)
King and Gladiator 650.00
Lobo 575.00
Superman 400.00
Batman 400.00
Now I am not saying that SSC QC could not be better... It should be... But even with great QC Some of XM pieces prices are too high. If King Hulk can be 650.00 then XM Hulk should be no more then that... If Superman and Batman can be 400.00 then XM Wolverine should be no more then 500.00
Even if a crappy painted Iron man is 425.00.... A well painted Iron Man is not worth 400.00 more... IMO anyways... Perhaps I would feel differently about that comparison if I was talking about a Hulk piece...
But anyways that was my point... People want SSC to stop raising prices and put out quality items like they use to... (Which I agree with and SSC still does most of the time IMO) but are fine with XM putting out pieces that have old SSC quality but for a much larger price point.
And if we want to bring up ES... Well that is another monster all together... I would rather have too many and have a chance to get one then too few and I miss out only to be assaulted in the aftermarket.