Super Freak
Nice to see some people on here who believe that an EX accessory, while a great thing to have, should not render any statue incomplete-looking in its absence. I agree that Huntress looks just as iconic even without the EX crossbow.
I lurk on the other forum and saw someone say that the classic head on Bane should have been the EX as it's the more iconic head. Must suck to have no direct access to Sideshow if ever. And then there's those who roasted me for saying that making the shield an EX for the BvS WW PF was a bad decision. Sideshow must have realized that, seeing how they bumped the ES for the EX compared to both Batfleck PFs. If they made only 500 or 750 of it like the Batflecks, then that's all they'd ever sell of that Wonder Gal.
Exactly right, a regular statue done properly should represent the character on its own, the ex should be something EXtra but not compulsory. Thankfully some people do realise that the more people can enjoy a piece the better. Others see it as a pointless badge of honour to have a low edition size or the ex just for the sake of it. The wonder woman ex shield is terrible as it looks incomplete without it. I imagine the people happy with this either live in America or are rich. I couldn't care less about edition sizes or exclusivity, I care about how it looks in my house