8 days!
We spent 8 days without power thanks to Sandy. We live about 3-4 miles inland from the beach. We were very lucky, though. We didn't have any trees down on our property, only a few fence panels (the posts snapped and will have to be replaced) and plenty of smaller branches and such. We still had gas so we could cook, and we have a gas fireplace so at least we could stay warm in one room. We live next door to a fire station, which has an enormous oil-powered generator, and they were kind enough to let us plug in an extension cord so we could power our fridge and recharge our phones. But we didn't ask them til several days after we lost power, so we ended up throwing away much of our fridge items (it did give us the opportunity to clean the fridge, though!). So all in all we really weren't that bad off.
We live on a tidal creek in the back of the house, but we were the cut-off for evacuation. Just a few houses up the street had some moderate flooding. We took a walk the day after the storm and saw the water had risen well onto the street just a few houses up, judging from the debris.
We could see a telephone/light pole leaning at a 45° angle about 4 or 5 houses down the street, a few down cables here and there, and a tree that was resting on power lines at the house across the street. Down the block across the street we saw a huge tree uprooted that took down another huge tree, both of which miraculously missed the houses (just a slight graze to one of them).
The real frustrating part of the whole experience is that we didn't really see any activity from the power company for most of the time. A few days after the storm we had a couple of JCPL guys checking out the damage. Then a few days after that there were a couple of JCPL guys parked under the leaning tree for a day to baby sit it. Then a couple of days after that they finally started working on it. They installed a new pole next to the leaning pole two days ago, then yesterday they did all the connections. It's frustrating that basically all the work was done in maybe half a day total (since the damage in our immediate area wasn't too bad), but it took them 8 days to get to us.
Anyway, glad to be back and glad we didn't have any serious damage!
Now onto winter storm Athena...