And how we're all immature yet somehow he isn't based on how uptight he's getting over some guy getting mad over a spelling error. Which is majority of the internetalong with getting a ban warning in some thread.
I didn’t say everyone was immature, I said the forum has an immature vibe,
If the shoe fits.........
It's some serious haters on this board! Lol people get jumped for stating opinions
One common characteristic between Gen Xers and Millennials is group think and the harsh way that they deal with people that disagree with them.
Just like stuff from a few years ago seems antiquated now, in a few years, all the current stuff will seem quaint and basic in relation to whatever's next. That's the nature of the hobby. Enjoy it for what it is while you can.
Well put.
So your telling to sell all my stuff and wait for the next best thing? Ahhhhhhh
No, I don’t think that is what he meant at all.
Today I received my IM Mark 2 Unleashed figure that I got a great deal on.
It is great for what I it is but the articulation seems to be quite limited and it feels very light for a $259 action figure.
None of this matters since I plan on sticking this fellow into the gantry.