I hate this $#**&#! heat!

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It is so hot here in NC. Its 97 right now and there has been two straight weeks of 97 degree weather with about 5 days in a row of temps over a 100.

We had two 104 degree days in a row the week before last.
Of course, I shouldn't complain too much since my Dad is at his home off the coast of Belize right now battening down the hatches and bracing for a Category 5 hurricane to hit. :google
FL here... Been over a hundred damn near every day this past week and a half. I could toss an egg in the air and it would be cooked before it landed. :lol

Damn this heat... I so agree with you Irish.
what a shame I woke up yesterday morning and went to leave for work and was like WOIW its cold out in the low 60's....Bring on FALL i say!!!!!