I think there may beat least two different target groups for the new LOTR PFs. One is the dedicated SSWeta collector, the likes of many of us here, and the other is the LOTR collector in general, buying what they fancy and not sticking to one particular line. IMHO the latter is much younger on average (my wild guess is around 23), whereas the average Weta fan is probably closer to being 40.
I truly believe that the "maturer" collectors cherish their acquisitions more and hence will hold on to them no matter what the market advises. Someone spoke of his "babies", and that's probably what they are to some of us. The younger, more mobile, target group may enthusiastically delve into the new line, glad that there's something new on the horizon. With only 2-3 figures per year for starters, money won't be much of an issue either. So overall, the line should be quite successful.
Personally, I'm not going to collect the Premium Figures, I haven't got the room, and I'm a Weta (and polystone) addict anyway. I'm pretty sure that I will get one or two characters either out of curiosity or just because it's a character that has been completely neglected by Weta, like Faramir or Denethor.
PS: Questions from an ignorant: Are these Premium Format Figures poseable at all or static? Will they come with bases of some sort? What material would I find under the clothes/armour? The head is made of polystone, right?
Apologies, if these questions have been answered elsewhere, just point me to the link. Thanks.
PPS: And don't take Gruson's advice and sell. He wants to buy.