I wonder how the new LOTR Premuim Line will effect the value

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more ebay/paypal codes were posted at statueforum.


I just saved $15 on a $100 order. :)

I will post them here in another thread.
Goldberry said:
I think there may beat least two different target groups for the new LOTR PFs. One is the dedicated SSWeta collector, the likes of many of us here, and the other is the LOTR collector in general, buying what they fancy and not sticking to one particular line. IMHO the latter is much younger on average (my wild guess is around 23), whereas the average Weta fan is probably closer to being 40.
I truly believe that the "maturer" collectors cherish their acquisitions more and hence will hold on to them no matter what the market advises. Someone spoke of his "babies", and that's probably what they are to some of us. The younger, more mobile, target group may enthusiastically delve into the new line, glad that there's something new on the horizon. With only 2-3 figures per year for starters, money won't be much of an issue either. So overall, the line should be quite successful.
Don't take this the wrong way, Goldberry, but I think you have it exactly backwards. Based on my conversations with collectors here and elsewhere, it seems to me that it is more the younger collectors who are Weta fans, as opposed to LOTR fans, since their introduction to the story came in the form of the movies. I suspect that most mature LOTR fans (of which I am one, being over 40, and having loved the books for more than 3 decades before the movies were released) will embrace the PF line, since it is yet another opportunity to celebrate Tolkien's masterpiece.

As far as who might be more likely to sell off some or all of their polystone in favor of the new line, I don't think age or Weta/LOTR fan categorization will be as much a factor as finances and space. Since I can make room for them, and the release pace for the PF line will be slow enough that it won't hit my wallet that hard, I will be one who keeps both.

Goldberry said:
PS: Questions from an ignorant: Are these Premium Format Figures poseable at all or static? Will they come with bases of some sort? What material would I find under the clothes/armour? The head is made of polystone, right?
Apologies, if these questions have been answered elsewhere, just point me to the link. Thanks.
From what I have read, the bodies are all polystone (though I suspect that only the exposed areas are sculpted in much detail), and non-poseable. These are not at all like the poseable 12" lines, which are based on the Art S. Buck models for bodies, with sculpted heads, hands, and sometimes feet. All of the figures come with bases.
Hmm... I think maybe some simple statues like GtG & GtW,
Aragorn, Boromir etc. could possibly lose some value, but
the poly-line with its highlights like Balrog, Cave Troll, Sam& Bill,
RoS or other spectaclular ones will ever lose its popularity.

I am sure, that the PF line will hold the value of these highlights
up or even increase it, though you will never see a PF Balrog, Troll,
Sam+Bill, Saruman with Palantir etc.

It was similar with Attakus and the PF Star Wars, but as it
seems, the PF wil NEVER reach the poly Attakus line! Many people
hoped for it, but now, the Attakus line is gaining popularity
more and more!

PF = nice Movie dolls
Poly = Art
Buzzie said:
It was similar with Attakus and the PF Star Wars, but as it
seems, the PF wil NEVER reach the poly Attakus line! Many people
hoped for it, but now, the Attakus line is gaining popularity
more and more!

PF = nice Movie dolls
Poly = Art

Actually it should be more GG statues and Attakus statues the PF format is a a whole different ball game.
The whole nice movie doll usually comes from someone who doesnt own any of the PF's. PF's are the work of Art as well as statues are but to me I would take PF version over a statue version of a character anytime. They are more life like and are going to work extremely well for the LOTR line.
Viking28 said:
Actually it should be more GG statues and Attakus statues the PF format is a a whole different ball game.
The whole nice movie doll usually comes from someone who doesnt own any of the PF's. PF's are the work of Art as well as statues are but to me I would take PF version over a statue version of a character anytime. They are more life like and are going to work extremely well for the LOTR line.

I could agree for Gandalf or Legolas, but PF will never reach
the "art-factor" of statues like Cave Troll oder Sam & Bill... imho :rolleyes:
The jury is out here. Personally, I fall into the RoboDad category - Long time Tolkien lover. I won't sell my SSW stuff whatever happens to prices. I shall make decisions on PF figures as they appear, and buy the stuff I really like.

At this stage, I don't see myself being a PF Completionist. I know I'll never complete the polystone set, partly bcos of money, but I also just don't like several pieces.

Time will tell, but my SSW/Topps collections are NEVER gonna be fer sale.

TC :wacky:wacky:wacky
Will the new announcement affect values of the Sideshow Weta pieces?

Hmmm, Did the Star Wars Premium Format Announcement along with Gentle Giant, Kotobukya, Mediacom, etc. affect the prices of the high dollar Attakus Star Wars Statues? Also, the older Gentle Giant Star Wars busts also seem to be holding their value. I think that may be a good indicator towards the value of the Sideshow Weta stuff.
I know the PF will probably be irresistible and visually spectacular. But, it will be a slow release, so unless people collect solely for investment, people may sell in the short term, which I don't think is a good idea. The PF will have different and probably more conservative poses with possibly different costumes, so unless someone doesn't want one character repeated again in their collection, they may opt for one or the other. Space and dust (needs cases) are two negatives for the PF. Positives are great likeness (nobody beats sideshow in this category) and realism and less artistic chances (pippen, new born, haradhrim, mumak...).
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5. $$$$ 1:4 is expensive. Buying 9 fellowship members will likely run around $3000.

What about those who have missed out on the originals? Wouldn't a Weta polystone set of the fellowship minus the fellowship Pippin (cause there isnt one) come out to about $3000 at today's ebay prices? I honestly see a more recent starter going into the PF's over the Weta line.
I think that the SS/W line that will be most affected will be the Busts. Many will want to display the "whole" figure, considering that they are in the same scale. With the busts rising in price in the secondary market, many may opt to simple go with the PF version.

Statues may take a blow as well, especially with the PF line having better facial sculpts. I think "Elessar's" after-market price may take a hit when the PF Elessar is released, for example.

Another thing to consider is the final ES of each of the PF's released. I'm sure that the more popular characters, such as Frodo and Aragorn will have larger ES's. If they number in the thousands, then I don't see them affecting the Weta line statues/busts as much.

Finally, the hard-core "Weta" collectors will ignore the PF line entirely and benefit from any quick sellings on ebay...
For those of us who have a lot of the 1/6 scale SS LOTR it
comes down to space. Where would you put another collection
of any size statues?

If I collected many of the 1/4 PF....some of my other stuff
would have to go in boxes...versus today most of my
collectibles are on display.

And I would not sell anything ... I'm just a buyer....
TheWitchKing said:
What about those who have missed out on the originals? Wouldn't a Weta polystone set of the fellowship minus the fellowship Pippin (cause there isnt one) come out to about $3000 at today's ebay prices? I honestly see a more recent starter going into the PF's over the Weta line.

I was just comparing initial retail prices for each. I picked up my fellowship statues (including ROTK Pippin) for ~$850. I could see a more recent starter going into the PF's.
I don't see the 1/6th line going down in price with this introduction. It wouldn't matter to me either way really I just love the statues for what they really are, an excellent representation of the movies. :peace
larbob said:
And I would not sell anything ... I'm just a buyer....
I hear ya, that is my feeling to the point!!!:banana
Silverbc3 said:
I don't see the 1/6th line going down in price with this introduction. It wouldn't matter to me either way really I just love the statues for what they really are, an excellent representation of the movies. :peace
Don’t forget the books also!:joy
I love these guys for what they are……….
“an excellent representation of the movies”…………..
I could really care less about the dolls SS is trying to shove down your throats. I have my representation of the Lord of the Rings and all who sees it knows what they are, true works of art, PERIOD! :bow
1/4 Scale Premium Format is just fantastic, I prefer it over the 1/6 style. Although I'll always love the 1/6 SSW statues, I personally can't wait for this. Any non-LotR fan that shows up at my place is usually drawn to the 1/4 scale figures when they're not overwhelmed by the sheer volume of LOTR stuff. :wacky