Well my buddy tends to see ghosts that look flesh and blood but had a strange encounter yesterday that caused him to call me in a panic. Hence this thread.
He attended a birthday party with his wife around 2pm when he saw a child like "distorted blurry" shadow by the baby. He freaked out made an excuse to his wife and friends and went home. He visited his father around 5pm and noticed this same figure was sitting by his father at the table and was looking around. He freaked out and said his family asked if he was ok. He ran to the restroom, washed his face, laid down but as soon as he went back to the living room....the shadow was still by his father. He claimed the outline of the head looked like a hood and noticed what may have been white eyes. The tried telling his wife but only scared her and called me crying. He kept saying, "I swear I'm not crazy!" over and over. Now tell me, what the heck was I suppose to tell him to do???? Is he crazy? Is he really onto something? Was it a demon? a ghost? Beats the crap out of me....