IM3 suits - Everything we know so far...

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I hope they keep him, too - he is a great Tony Stark. The problem is if he decides to get too greedy. They paid him $50M for the Avengers and, yeah, Avengers is the highest grossing film of all time ($1B), but if the numbers start to shift and he asks for $100M, then they'll have to cast someone else. That being said, I don't think he'll get too greedy - IM is the primary reason why his career has been revived.

Also, this is probably what people were saying about Sean Connery in 1967 after his 5th Bond film. "He'll never leave." And then he left and they re-cast Bond as George Lazenby, who left, and then SC came back, and then he left again and they had to cast Roger Moore. It'd be like RDJ leaving after The Avengers 2 (5th Appearance as Iron Man), casting Ryan Gosling for IM 4, bringing RDJ back for The Avengers 3, and then going with Colin Farrel for IM 5 through 12!

Avatar is the highest grossing film of all time :thwak:
I think RDJ's contract had him being paid on a % basis, he was pretty much the best paid of all actors through the whole Marvel Movie line due to this.

i doubt even he expected IronMan/Avengers to be as much of a money maker as it turned out to be.
RDJ is Tony Stark- the character in these movies is modeled after him in so many ways. He is what made IM popular in the least as Stark
Replacable? Yes, of course. Will his replacement "act" like RDJ ?? In other words would they change the whole character because of a different actor? Doubt it.
Iron Man 3 Mark XL Asgardian Destroyer Armor???

IMO, they will keep him. They have to know by now that RDJ IS Tony Stark. You can recast him but no one will ever replace his personality as Tony Stark. I can't even see a picture of him without seeing him as Tony Stark.

He doesn't want to leave. He loves the character and I think they will pay him to keep him for at least until Phase 3 of Avengers. Would be kinda off setting to have a recast of Tony by the time Avengers 3 comes out. Would throw a lot of people off.


He's become too iconic as Tony Stark now. Its true, someday they'll have to since his age will eventually creep up on him. I'm hoping he has at least 10 more years before his age becomes too apparent. It'll be a sad day when he retires his character for good.
New Mini Bust and promotional art:




Personally, I'm still not digging the new slim look. Love the look of it itself but I wish they kept the bulkyness from the first one. Iron Patriot looks nice though. :yess:
I still say that's a laser cannon on his shoulder....

In the comics, it seems to be more of a projectile based weapon than a laser cannon. It does look like a laser cannon but in no way does it act like on in the comics. I too thought it would be shooting lasers out of it at first.

Well it's no gatling gun, that's fer sure. At least on the figure, we won't have to worry about the bullets pulling out of the gun or his back every time you move him.
Got these off the comics. It's not your typical red laser that punches a hole in everything it hits.
More of a repulsor mini gun.

