Leon 911
Super Freak
Btw... Whoever knows much about hot toys process (and i dont know much), why do they keep saying in each of their product description that each head is individually hand painted... It always puzzled me...
Which is why its better for you... Cleaner water. People often take "chlorine " as being in the drinking water, its not, its used as part of the method of cleaning the water, as for fluoride, that helps with oral health, and the science has been in on that for decades. In fact there are some places that removed fluoride from the water 5 ish years ago and theyre begining to see an increase in cavities and tooth decay among children... Bottled water is bottled directly from the ground water (even areas where fracking occured), and has very little to no over sight by the FDA for quality and health controls. Should read up on it, very insightful
Its funny that Clippers video has generated much debate, even abuse and he doesn't even own the figs or probably even had any intention of ever owning the figures.
Maybe you get more judgmental reviews like that?
I wonder if Wai MAn will lend Clipper any CUSTOM figs in the future to review. I'm guessing Denny tore him a new hole over all this.![]()
I seriously doubt the review hurt sales for Iminime, his fans are pretty loyal and Denny has publicly displayed his dislike of the current bodies, hands etc. he is looking for informative ways of moving forward and not dwelling on negative comments to hold him back. Even Hot Toy are constantly changing and growing as so will Iminime and Mr. Kim
From the sculpt thread:
My review is that its pretty freaking spectacular
Wow, that's amazing.
Maybe read up on what Cheungkinmen said... how about not diverting to the benefits of water purification rather than focusing on the original point you came to contend with here...
Johnny laid out a basic scenario that too pretty much till building the proto part. There are other factors into it to.
Think after you have got your initial sculptor and painter you spent $2000. Now production. Making the metal mould for mass production PVC sculpts/parts costs almost $3000 itself. And Im talking about good quality ones which hold detail well.
So for an initial ready for production model considering you will have a custom made PVC body (so every part will require its unique mold) may shoot upto close to 30/40k.
And then we havent even started production. Once production starts you have to invest in more money. Can you imagine then if you take a $220 priced HT and multiply it by the 7000-10000 units they make to see how much money has been invested to get that work done? Also remember since HT is already a running process they dont make unique bodies per figure anymore so slowly overtime the initial overheads are spread out.
And that comment from Rick that Carlito's Way is a custom figure exactly shows how ignorant he himself is about things in his collection. His lack of knowledge is spreads onto you. A simple Google search would have shown people that Carlito's Way was a Blitzway mass licensed collectible but no, thats the kind of misinformation that spreads when people blindly follow reviewers and what they say without experiencing and looking at other sources of information.
Anyway you look at this, it is just an argument about overpriced dolls.
One person said one thing about the doll and another person said something else. So what?
Get a grip people and put your time into something that matters.
There are hundreds or thousands of people all over the world suffering from either natural disasters, disease, hunger or one of the many wars taking place and I'm pretty sure not one of those people would give a rat's @ss that someone has only graded a figure 19/35 or said it should be on a better body or said the box isn't good enough.
Just think about what you are arguing over - it's frightening.
If you don't like what someone has said then so be it - fine - just accept it and move on.
Rick posted those youtube comments because he wants to see an improvement in the figures. His comments were meant to spark a reaction and it's clearly worked. If he never came back into this thread again it doesn't matter because he has still achieved the discussion/uproar/argument that he wanted.
I gotta gets me some popcorn.
Btw... Whoever knows much about hot toys process (and i dont know much), why do they keep saying in each of their product description that each head is individually hand painted... It always puzzled me...
This must be soul destroying for the artist (s) involved.definitely a recast....a well produced one, full paint at a very low price,,,,...cheapest ive seen so far
This must be soul destroying for the artist (s) involved.
I will give my two cents on this whole topic. Denny's work is amazing, it's hand crafted art IMO. It's worth what it's worth to collectors who really want it.
That's the same with all art. And this is art on a small collectible scale. It's like a limited run of screen prints art?
It's like Velvet Morning's Bladerunner stuff. Yeah, it's expensive, but it's expensive for a reason. The time work and stress involved in doing any unique small run work is incredibly demanding.
You want it? You can afford it? Buy it, and it will make you happy to know that you have something quite unique.
I don't get the HT boys comparing this level of non commercial 1/6 art comparing it to mass produced commercial plastic.
Rock on Denny & iminime.
It's people like you that raise the bar and force HT to do better.
My hen just had baby chicks, 11 total but I think I am going to destroy them. There are more important matters going on in the world to stop and enjoy art and Gods beauty I couldn't live with myself enjoying thing I have worked for. You guy realize that you have probably wasted more money out boozing trying to pork fat chicks ,sucking down those overpriced piña coladas . What about the 10.00 a day pack of smokes you probably just should have shoved up your ass to begin with. Not to mention the hormonal, byproduct , garbage fast food you crammed down your greasy gob five days a week. If I want to spend 600.00 on Rick Grimes , I don't , smoke, drink or eat fast food so in essence mine was free when paralleled to others daily routine ! True story