Well, there’s a new thief on the block 
Come on guys, of course Q has a helping hand/hands on this board
. God damn shame
That's it in a nutshell. Rainman re-releases the regular sculpts but never the DX's. That's the right way to respect the original edition size. I guess re-releasing is a way to combat recasters but as you said if it's a case where the original artists didn't plan to continue offering a particular sculpt anyway, then is it really money lost when a re-caster does? (of course not advocating the recast scummers; just saying).
Generally speaking I thing re-releasing things like full sets or doing versions that other artists have already done really takes the "collectability" out of "collectibles". The sculpt situation as RM handles it (periodically) is something that I feel works though.

Come on guys, of course Q has a helping hand/hands on this board

I think the best way to combat recasters is to do what you guys are suggesting. But when it's a really rare, exclusive sculpt then that doesn't really seem like an option for these guys. I wouldn't expect to see Rainman pumping out more Plainview DX sculpts if that one got recast, for example.
That's it in a nutshell. Rainman re-releases the regular sculpts but never the DX's. That's the right way to respect the original edition size. I guess re-releasing is a way to combat recasters but as you said if it's a case where the original artists didn't plan to continue offering a particular sculpt anyway, then is it really money lost when a re-caster does? (of course not advocating the recast scummers; just saying).
Generally speaking I thing re-releasing things like full sets or doing versions that other artists have already done really takes the "collectability" out of "collectibles". The sculpt situation as RM handles it (periodically) is something that I feel works though.