IMUS Vs. Rutgers Women's BB Team

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Was Imus' Comments Racist?

  • Yes, they were racist towards the black community.

    Votes: 13 27.7%
  • Yes, they were racist, but to women in general only.

    Votes: 4 8.5%
  • No, they weren't racist. He just insulted women.

    Votes: 24 51.1%
  • Imus who? I haven't watched the news lately.

    Votes: 6 12.8%

  • Total voters


Super Freak
Feb 23, 2007
Reaction score
Hudson, Florida
OK, I'm just tired of hearing about this on the news, so let's put things in perspective. Nappy headed hoes is NOT a racial slur, it is an insult against the Rutgers women, not the black Rutgers women.

Calling a girl a ho is disrespectful, but no more disrespectful towards women as your average rap. Have you heard what these rappers call women? VERY disrespectful!

Nappy headed describes the care of someone's hair. When you wake up in the morning, most people have nappy hair that needs to be washed, styled or combed. (Unless of course you're bald)

Now it's time for you to vote. Was Imus' comments racist other than an insult to women in general?

And just to let you know, I really don't like Imus. His show sucks.
I haven't been following this story, all I know is that Al Sharpton will pull out all the stops to try to stay relevant. The guy thinks he's the offiicial ambassador for the whole black community or something. No matter how large or small the "controversy" he will drag this out until he appears on every talk show at least 3 times. I'm sure he'll also be expecting a cheque from that Imus guy or his employer.

As for calling a girl a ho, all I know is this: That girl was a ho... fo sho!

Who the hell cares? Does Imus even have an audience? Are we really supposed to believe anyone's self esteem would be damaged by the opinion of Don the Dinosaur Imus? Look at him! He looks like the bum I stepped over yesterday inside the Philadelphia international airport.
Stevie Wonder did a song that said "when i was a nappy headed boy" so at some point black people used to refer to themselves as nappy headed. I don't know when that stopped so they can really only be mad about being called a ho by an eighty year old, wrinkly, white, cowboy hat wearing has been with an audience of four people.
don the A-hole imus is a RACIST in every sense of the word. i hope he gets fired. and the only reason he used the words he chose besides the fact that he is a racist is that the majority of the women on that team are black.the more he apologizes the more he puts his foot in his mouth. ..... not racist, i had a black kid on my ranch once... What an A-Hole!!!
So how was it racist against women?? By saying Ho?
If thats the case then there sure is a lot of racist music Mr. Sharpton better be taking a look at.
Just more stuff for people to complain about.. Not sure how different this is than anything else he or any other shock jock has said in the past..

*yawn* It bores me..

I do however agree that female basketball players are generally pretty scarey looking..:emperor
if no-one here can understand the offense the term Nappy Headed Ho can be to a black person then you are either playing Devils Advocate or you are just plain Dumb.
hydrobud said:
if no-one here can understand the offense the term Nappy Headed Ho can be to a black person then you are either playing Devils Advocate or you are just plain Dumb.

I think your remarks are racist towards the intelligence challenged, I am insulted, and I will be affected for the rest of my life! :lol

Actually, the Rutgers BB team lost to Tennessee in the finals and I feel that this is an opportunity for them to stretch their 15 minutes of fame to 30.

The coach said it wasn't a matter of black or was green. What the hell does that mean? It was money motivated? Imus is inexperienced? Huh?

BTW, I'm from New York and nappy headed to me means unclean and unkept hair. How is that racist? Unless they are talking about the ho part which insults all the women on the team, not just the black ones.

Now Imus' producer was saying *igaboo on air which is 1000 times more racist than nappy headed. Hmmm. :confused:
Viking28 said:
So how was it racist against women?? By saying Ho?
If thats the case then there sure is a lot of racist music Mr. Sharpton better be taking a look at.

You don't see Sharpton mounting a full steam assault against rap music. Rappers consider women *itches, hoes, and all sorts of disrespectful things. Reminds me of a skit from 'Strangers with Candy'.

Principal Blackman (Talking on the phone to Mr. Blank)
I don't understand Mr. Blank......That's an ugly word Mr. Blank.....Well it's different when we call eachother that!

:rotfl :rotfl :rotfl :rotfl
hydrobud said:
if no-one here can understand the offense the term Nappy Headed Ho can be to a black person then you are either playing Devils Advocate or you are just plain Dumb.

Dumb is my excuse!!

Maybe having a thin skin is thiers!

*listens to a lil snoop*

*****es aint **** but ho's and tricks..

Maybe Imus is a snoop fan too..

*smells the hypocrisy*
actually the rutgers team probably would have never even heard of this if it wasn't for the media.i mean really...who listens to imus anyway.i bet those girls never even heard of him til now.
If it was a contest. Imus definately won. I doubt he has ever had soooo much free publicity. On top of getting paid leave from msnbc. I bet he's not too upset about any of it.
it's a daily event to see who comes out and "publically" comments on his comments. it wasn't racist, I guess it was sexist but not really because he was describing the way they appeared to him. the idiots that are no longer relevant have to make themselves "needed". it's sad since only one sports/entertainment talk show radio guy caused such a fuss. you can tell things must be slow in the world.
Watch dog groups will call it racist because they look for any crumb they can find to jump all over and scream racism.

If Chris Rock had said this people would just laugh and move on.
pixletwin said:
If it was a contest. Imus definately won. I doubt he has ever had soooo much free publicity. On top of getting paid leave from msnbc. I bet he's not too upset about any of it.

A permanent leave from MSNBC. And I doubt it will be paid. MSNBC has just dropped the show.
hydrobud said:
if no-one here can understand the offense the term Nappy Headed Ho can be to a black person then you are either playing Devils Advocate or you are just plain Dumb.

i know what it means but it doesn't have to be a black female, i see plenty of nappy headed ho's that are white and tan. just because a black person came up with the phrase doesn't mean it only pertains to them.
i wonder what sharpton has to say about the duke lacrosse case now??? hes such a d!ckhead