IMUS Vs. Rutgers Women's BB Team

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Was Imus' Comments Racist?

  • Yes, they were racist towards the black community.

    Votes: 13 27.7%
  • Yes, they were racist, but to women in general only.

    Votes: 4 8.5%
  • No, they weren't racist. He just insulted women.

    Votes: 24 51.1%
  • Imus who? I haven't watched the news lately.

    Votes: 6 12.8%

  • Total voters
It's okay to refer to a black person as black, Evilface. Black isn't a racist remark and the Jesse Jackson created term "African American" is no longer as popular as it was in the 90s.

Interesting, I just found out that the term "midget", which is currently viewed as duragotory, was a medical term never intended to be viewed as an insult.
That fat headed muff muncher Rosie Odonell (Sp?) can blab on daytime tv of how the government was involved in bringing down the trade towers, but someone calls a woman a ho, is fired?


Part of a certain race of people are too high strung. Ho is not racist to any ethnic group.

It's just name calling. Sticks and stones crap.

And Al Sharpton is going to burn in hell for taking stuff way to far.

Kinda on the same subject, you are supposed call a black person African American. What if the black person was from Australia? My great great great great great grandfather was from Switzerland, but I don't go by Switz-American.
agreed and dont forget it was'' nappy headed ho''
So I guess he got fired today? Kinda sucks even though I didn't watch his show or anything. It is amazing how one small remark or others think it was huge can mess up a person's entire life or career.
There are no KIDS in college. College students are adults and should have skin thick enough to withstand an insult or two. Dear Lord, try living in the Philadelphia area and see what professional athletes are called.

Now we have this environment of having people come to your rescue.

Hey maybe Sharpton and Jackson should come out and publicly condemn the Duke Lacrosse accuser since none of the 12 dna specimens in her panties belonged to the team.

Imus is a *******, so what. There are alot more where he came from. John Edwards had a neat statement along the lines of how he forgives people for their transgressions but he believes they should be punished.
How come Jesse Jackson didn't get fired for calling Jews Himeys?

Oh thats right he doesn't have a job.
Alright, I have seen Cosmo freak out because he's basically been called a rich kid because he can afford major Sideshow pieces. Now imagine you are a young black woman who has worked very hard most of your life to get a scholarship and had just participated in the final game of the national championship for women's basketball. The next day you wake up and a man with a national talk show whom you have never met says you look like a nappy headed ho while his producer shouts ******* in the background. How would YOU feel? Imagine it was your daughter. Imagine the guy has had a past of saying similar things. I wonder if some of you are going to have homosexual kids one day? I'm done preaching and am much more about having fun here, but man there has been some hateful stuff in here.
Anzik Hayes said:
How come Jesse Jackson didn't get fired for calling Jews Himeys?

Oh thats right he doesn't have a job.

You win... The funniest line we'll see here tonight!
Ryanfromindiana said:
Alright, I have seen Cosmo freak out because he's basically been called a rich kid because he can afford major Sideshow pieces. Now imagine you are a young black woman who has worked very hard most of your life to get a scholarship and had just participated in the final game of the national championship for women's basketball. The next day you wake up and a man with a national talk show whom you have never met says you look like a nappy headed ho while his producer shouts ******* in the background. How would YOU feel? Imagine it was your daughter. Imagine the guy has had a past of saying similar things. I wonder if some of you are going to have homosexual kids one day? I'm done preaching and am much more about having fun here, but man there has been some hateful stuff in here.

i wouldn't give a crap what a radio guy said. you are describing the J word usage wrong. but i could care less if he was fired to be honest.
IMUS: That's some nappy-headed hos there. I'm gonna tell you that now, man, that's some -- woo. And the girls from Tennessee, they all look cute, you know, so, like -- kinda like -- I don't know.

McGUIRK: A Spike Lee thing.

IMUS: Yeah.

McGUIRK: The Jigaboos vs. the Wannabes -- that movie that he had.
what imus said wasn t racist, it was just stupid. should he get fired?.... no.
although, im glad hes gone cause he was annoying and outdated.

jackson said the duke kids are still guilty of something, cause they were around a stripper. well so was sean bell but jackson left that alone.

i was talking to all the black dudes at work today and they said they thought the imus comments were somewhat funny . my boy said he would be afraid of the rutgers bball team too. i was then outside talking to the dudes who hang out on the corner and scalp and they were saying how they hate when al sharpton gets involved in ****.

in summation, imus sucks, sharpton sucks, and the sooner this ends the better. i want my sports radio back .
Imus's comments were racist! Nappy-head is commonly referred to a black person with very curled hair. The fact that the majority of the women on the team were black leaves little doubt that he was using that as a racial slur. If it were anyone else, I would've bought it as a strictly sexist comment towards women, but after looking at Imus' past history of racial slurs, this left me with little doubt. I am glad that @$$ got fired.

And for the record, I believe Sharpton and Jackson are tools who are just out there to make money. They don't represent every black person or minority!:cool:
Imus' comments were stupid and not funny at all... Fire him for that, not being entertaining... Not for being a racist. The jury is still out on that.
In truth it was more that advertisers were pulling out. Also he only made 2 million for CBS in advertising. They didn't lose anything major.
.....and I'll be boycotting proctor and gamble and Staples. High brow chicken sh*ts that they are. I'm not condoning racism mind you far from it, but the world is becoming entirely too politically correct for me. Get over it and move on.
Memnoch21 said:
In truth it was more that advertisers were pulling out. Also he only made 2 million for CBS in advertising. They didn't lose anything major.

The advertisers pulled out because of pressure and fear, not for lack of listenership.

If they pulled out due to ratings it would be a different story.

Let the marketplace prevail... This is capitalism!!
it's funny, IMUS has been staying stuff like this and WORSE stuff than this for 30 years. Just now that idiots like al sharpton and jesse jackson are involved he's in trouble. people like them do no good in this country. just bull crap IMO.
Ryanfromindiana said:
Alright, I have seen Cosmo freak out because he's basically been called a rich kid because he can afford major Sideshow pieces. Now imagine you are a young black woman who has worked very hard most of your life to get a scholarship and had just participated in the final game of the national championship for women's basketball. The next day you wake up and a man with a national talk show whom you have never met says you look like a nappy headed ho while his producer shouts ******* in the background. How would YOU feel? Imagine it was your daughter. Imagine the guy has had a past of saying similar things. I wonder if some of you are going to have homosexual kids one day? I'm done preaching and am much more about having fun here, but man there has been some hateful stuff in here.

Anyone catch the Southpark episode...Apologies to Jesse Jackson? They used the ultimate racial slur, *igger at least 50 times, UNEDITED. Haven't heard one word about reprecussions to Matt and Trey.

We are living in a society of double standards, reverse discrimination, and a public that is absolutely lawsuit crazy. We have ALL been called a racial slur at one time or another in our lives. It's insane to think that all the races, creeds, colors and sexual orientations will live hand in hand underneath the colored rainbow. We all need to LAUGH at our differences and stop being ultra sensitive and insulted everytime someone drops a comment. I don't feel the firing of IMUS was justified one bit, and I can't stand the guy. He's an idiot but if we based hiring and firing on sheer stupidity, 90% of the American public would be unemployed.
carbo-fation said:
Imus's comments were racist! Nappy-head is commonly referred to a black person with very curled hair. The fact that the majority of the women on the team were black leaves little doubt that he was using that as a racial slur.

The BIG insult was calling them hoes. There's no doubt about the definition of ho, but there is definitely a debate on the definition of nappy headed. In NY, nappy headed means unclean and unkept, messy hair. How many of the girls on Rutgers' team are wearing an Afro hair style with very curly hair? None? Then I believe your definition of nappy headed doesn't apply in this case. JMHO.