I got him in the other day and he's really a great figure with a very strong presence on the shelf for sure.
Inart finally have the hands right this time and they slip on and off really well and sit snug without having to use a hair dryer THANK GOD for that. However this time around, inserting the heads was a wildly painful experience. The hair on mine is decent but not the best in terms of curls from what I've seen from a few of you on here.
Oh, and my Nostril plug came broken off/missing. I thought it was in the accessories since I just saw a cable hanging from the suit and low and behold the tiny wire appears to have snapped at the end. I can't find the part that goes in his nose.
-Both sculpts looks great
-Suit is incredible
-Body is tight and sturdy
-Hands are fixed! I can't explain enough how happy I am that the hands aren't a disaster like every other Inart figure I have.
-Base magnets are strong!
-Inserting the head sculpts is horrendous, stressful, and tedious; Worse than any figure I've owned. The sculpts fit incredibly tight, the suit material is extremely firm at the collar, and the hood/collar material bunches up inserting the sculpt no matter what I've done. When I tried to set up for a few quick it took up most of my time. Very bad user experience for sure.
-Because of the tight fit the head sculpt has trouble looking straight on and cannot look up. The sculpt pushes down slightly because of the bunching up and tight fit into the suit.
-Nostril plug attached to suit came broken/missing.
-For some reason taking shots I found him to have a bit of "dead eyes" no matter how I posed the body and his eyes. I don't know if its the neutral expression, the lighting, maybe I'm just bad at posing the eyes, or it could be just me. I was able to get a few shots that had a little life in them though.
I was to aggravated to tie the scarfs on neatly but here's a few shots and he does look really nice: