Doesn't look like that in the review video, but it is like that in the comparison video. @Jedha Patrol did you drop the sculpt?A bit worried about the cowl material. How did the tip snap off?

Doesn't look like that in the review video, but it is like that in the comparison video. @Jedha Patrol did you drop the sculpt?A bit worried about the cowl material. How did the tip snap off?
I believe BigBreda mentioned in one of his live streams that he wasn't offered because his followers weren't high enough. Same with Will Foxification. I havent heard anything yet from them about turning InArt down. They are both around 9K followers.I am not sure why BigBreda didn’t review it. Might be the same reason too. Dean knight takes awesome pics. Hope he gets the inart one soon
I mean, from what I see here, "no negative comments" is only this commenter's speculation. Sounds like Dean said he didn't like the stipulations--not what those stipulations were.View attachment 699062
No negative comments is wild. It's not called a review then
Oh, it's been like that for a while.I see this thread has become the youtube comments section.
He said in a livestream that they considered that, but sourcing a bunch of giant magnets like that would have been too difficult or expensive.Okay, felt like punishing myself so I decided to watch Justin's video and I got to the point where he takes credit for the rail magnet system and couldn't go on.
But on that note I find the rail system thing hilarious, its an improvement to be sure - but its an insane overcomplicated solution to a problem, this is like inventing a sentient fabric with self tying material rather than just learning to how to tie a knot.
Inart - just make it 1 big magnet, surely its not that hard.
simple answer. I didn't balance him correctly while posing and he took a tumble.Doesn't look like that in the review video, but it is like that in the comparison video. @Jedha Patrol did you drop the sculpt?.
Not sure where Darco got the no negativity info from though, maybe he has insider info
Iconiq is mid at best. Their Ryu was impressive, but everything else is comparable to third party standard.Reminds me of the old Batman Begins days where you had Hot Toys and Medicom competing, and then from out of nowhere Takara comes out swinging with a Batman Begins figure that was considered better than the other two.
Good times. We need more competition among these companies. Maybe not Star Ace (LOL) but perhaps an Iconiq Studio, JND, etc
Lmao. If I ask a random guy to go through your posts in fb, they will even think you are an INART representative. Unbiased and you are like opposite poles.DeanKnight? That dude is biased as heck against INART lol.
What we need is someone like me to do a “review.” Unbiased, not married to any one particular company, not a fanboy despite people thinking I am, objective and source based (lol). I’d point out all the flaws and pros with each and offer my own subjective opinions in an informed manner. I’m sorry that INART’s will still come out on top. Sincerely sorry. Just because there’s a good chunk of people outright saying that the INART Batman is better doesn’t mean it stems from a sense of tribalism. You ever consider the multi-faceted opinions of others might just be more/lean objective?
I criticize INART products whether you believe that or not – just received Gandalf last weekend and that figure is flawed. And yet, I still think it’s one of, if not the most gorgeous mass produced 1/6 even without water treatment and futzing.
Everyone agrees Inart is the better figure. But when some people say HT is better, some people get triggered. Those are fanboys. If they think that HT is better, let them.I think some of us here have taken the terms ‘tribalism’ and ‘fanboying’ and have unfortunately applied it to everything.
Tribalism/fanboying is when a company can do NO wrong. Even when their business practices have been questionable, unnecessarily aggressive AND anti consumer, it doesn’t matter. In the end those that worship the company would say anything to deflect any negative talk. Examples of PEAK tribalism: Dinn meiers and Danoby.
Pointing out the obvious (InArt’s figure is the better figure) does NOT = tribalism.
Appreciating what InArt has provided even though it’s not all perfect does NOT = tribalism.
There isn’t much tribal-ing here. It’s mostly stating facts, educated opinions and preferences. Not every negative opinion towards HT means people are ‘blindly devoted’ to InArt. HT deserves a smack in the head for never changing their BS ways.
Lmao. If I ask a random guy to go through your posts in fb, they will even think you are an INART representative. Unbiased and you are like opposite poles.
Yes Big Breda was also pissed off in comments because someone mentioned him in Justin's videosThis is both true and not at the same time? Justin never said that, he only said something happened with his copy and he was waiting for them to send the "remedy". So it could be a missing item or QC issue. We don't know for sure. Not sure where Darco got the no negativity info from though, maybe he has insider info
Viper got him. RIP.Where the **** @Aybaig
I think Will is getting his Inart soon. He said in one of his streamsI believe BigBreda mentioned in one of his live streams that he wasn't offered because his followers weren't high enough. Same with Will Foxification. I havent heard anything yet from them about turning InArt down. They are both around 9K followers.
Planet 33 has way less followers though, so maybe it also takes into consideration their target market? They could also know someone within InArt and they were trying to help boost their viewers.
I’m just gonna say it but most of these YouTubers talk out of their a**. Planet 33, Justin, nor Jedha pulled up a source image in their “reviews.” Quite frankly, I think it’d be humorous to see either one of them even attempt to talk about what’s accurate or not. Gotta take what they say with a mega grain of salt.So I just watched the InArt and Hot Toys reviews by Planet 33. According to him the body proportions on the InArt are equivalent to a cartoon character as being exaggerated, and the Hot Toys body proportions are perfect right out of the box with no modifications needed.
Good, hopefully Breda gets one soon as well. I would like to see what they both have to say. Although I have no need to see how Will will futz hisI think Will is getting his Inart soon. He said in one of his streams