InArt - The Batman 1/6th Figure

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Viper got him. RIP.
So I just watched the InArt and Hot Toys reviews by Planet 33. According to him the body proportions on the InArt are equivalent to a cartoon character as being exaggerated, and the Hot Toys body proportions are perfect right out of the box with no modifications needed.
InArt's proportions are a little exaggerated -- I don't think Battinson's waist was ever that tapered -- but calling it cartoonish and saying HT is "perfect" is a bridge too far. The neck and shoulder area for HT is so... flat. It just looks like a stock body (because it is).
Too bad there isn’t anyone that’s like this on the YT space.
It's mostly because these Youtubers won't let the comment post as YT has a say which comments get posted and if they do get posted the Youtubers will either have a defensive response or delete the comment altogether so there is no point really It's a waste of time.
Okay, felt like punishing myself so I decided to watch Justin's video and I got to the point where he takes credit for the rail magnet system and couldn't go on.

But on that note I find the rail system thing hilarious, its an improvement to be sure - but its an insane overcomplicated solution to a problem, this is like inventing a sentient fabric with self tying material rather than just learning to how to tie a knot.
Inart - just make it 1 big magnet, surely its not that hard.
Yeah, the magnet thing is strange to me. I have two Kaustic Plastik figures, and those bases have very powerful magnets. KP's figures are like a $100-200 cheaper than InArt's, so there's really no good reason why InArt bases shouldn't have better magnets. The rail system just seems like overengineering.
No joke, but people get upset or bothered (whatever you want to call it) when people like myself or others β€œdefend” INART and say that the price difference was minimal between their respective lowest offerings, which are the most comparable. People claim that the INART Batman is beyond expensive than Hot Toys Batman and that’s just not true…? $40 USD?
Don’t forget the standard HT didn’t include the sticky bomb gun so you’re not even getting a full figure.
Appreciating what InArt has provided even though it’s not all perfect does NOT = tribalism.
Why can't we do the same for other companies including HT? We tend to even complaint for the small mistakes they make. I am asking do the same for Inart. If u guys don't do that obviously u are being bias towards Inart which is why I am saying they are fanboys.
I think you’re throwing that term about a bit liberally. People here tend to have high standards and an eye for accurate details, but there are many instances where collectors will overlook or accept certain flaws because the product as a whole is more than satisfactory.
You might have missed all the pre-release posts related to a tiny section of stitching on the InArt figure’s thigh that was present on one proto but not another. That and the missing Gandalf trouser hem print- that’s seemingly never actually been seen by anyone- are indicators that collectors are holding InArt to an equally high standard as they do HT.

We can compare both figures to the film suit and the actor’s likeness, and judge their construction and functionality as action figures, to compile an objective and unbiased list of pros and cons for both.

We’ve seen enough now to conclude the InArt pros outnumber HT pros.

Therefore, if someone on your favourite Facebook group exclaims the HT is better, it would only be natural to enquire as to why they hold that view and maybe even list some significant merits IA has over HT to test the HT fan’s reasoning- since a deep analysis can prove them wrong.

That’s not fanboying for IA.
That’s natural human curiosity in attempting to determine how subjectivism can overrule objective metrics.
It’s a little argumentative but online conversations tend to skew that way. See the majority of your interactions with board members as evidence.
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Don’t forget the standard HT didn’t include the sticky bomb gun so you’re not even getting a full figure.

I think you’re throwing that term about a bit liberally. People here tend to have high standards and an eye for accurate details but there are many instances where collectors will overlook or accept certain flaws because the product as a whole is more than satisfactory.
You might have missed all the pre-release posts related to a tiny section of stitching on the InArt figure’s thigh that was present on one proto but not another. That and the missing Gandalf trouser hem print that’s seemingly never actually been seen by anyone are indicators that collectors are holding InArt to an equally high standard as they do HT.

We can compare both figures to the film suit and the actor’s likeness, and judge their construction and functionality as action figures, to compile an objective and unbiased list of pros and cons for both.

We’ve seen enough now to conclude the InArt pros outnumber HT pros.

Therefore, if someone on your favourite Facebook group exclaims the HT is better, it would only be natural to enquire as to why they hold that view and maybe even list sone significant merits IA has over HT to test the HT fan’s reasoning- since a deep analysis can prove them wrong.

That’s not fanboying for IA.
That’s natural human curiosity in attempting to determine how subjectivism can overrule objective metrics.
It’s a little argumentative but online conversations tend to screw that way. See the majority of your interactions with board members as evidence.

This is such a damned good post.
Reminds me of the old Batman Begins days where you had Hot Toys and Medicom competing, and then from out of nowhere Takara comes out swinging with a Batman Begins figure that was considered better than the other two.

Good times. We need more competition among these companies. Maybe not Star Ace (LOL) but perhaps an Iconiq Studio, JND, etc

Dude, this shot me right back to β€˜05-β€˜06.

Omg those were simple days 🀣🀣

The Takara Begins figure knocked us all out with a more attractive, albeit not as accurate, cowled head and an amazing stock body, albeit idealized, with awesome articulation. and it was the first 1/6 Begins that came with the accessories to do the β€˜1st night out’. I got 3 of that figure πŸ˜…πŸ˜…
Appreciating what InArt has provided even though it’s not all perfect does NOT = tribalism.
Why can't we do the same for other companies including HT? We tend to even complaint for the small mistakes they make. I am asking do the same for Inart. If u guys don't do that obviously u are being bias towards Inart which is why I am saying they are fanboys.

And you have openly admitted u hate HT and love Inart so much. So that is bias right and u are a reviewer too. Reviewers should not be biased right?

no one said you can’t be critical of any company. And at THIS current time, what do I have to be critical about with InArt?

Let me break it down in a few sections:


Has InArt released the fifth version of a singular character that still has the SAME MAJOR flaws and inaccuracies of the previous versions?


Who did that?



TDK Baleman. And that’s just ONE figure out of DOZENS. Luke Skywalker, Captain America, Daredevil and many more.


Has InArt hogged and sat on any IPs just to prevent other companies from making figures? And have they also NOT produced any figure despite acquiring those IPs?


Who did that?



Has InArt revealed a new prototype/figure the moment a competitors figure has been released in hopes of distracting fans and or stealing their thunder?


Who did that?

I’m sure you know where this going.

I may hate HT, but it’s mostly because I hate their CEO. I’ve even admitted that when they make a decent or good product, I’ll give them props. But that happens SO INFREQUENTLY. The last figure I reviewed of theirs is Mando’s Luke Skywalker. I LOVE that figure…but at the same time I HATE that I personally had to put up with HT BS: endured so many years of them RECYCLING THAT ROTJ TRASH FIRE OF A HEADSCULPT. So one good figure does not all of a sudden absolve them of their past anti consumer BS.

InArt have not wronged me so far. Their figures have hit the right marks for me. So until the day they start pulling off the same BS that made me resent HT, I’ll continue singing their praises.

My current favorite companies at this current moment and in no particular order:

Rocket toys

I’ll take any of these companies over HT ANYDAY. Because they haven’t ****ed me over so far and have made outstanding products. HT on the other hand…

You wanna defend HT, be my guest. I won’t take it personally nor would it affect my opinion of you. But I have my personal reasons for resenting them. I’m not being critical of them just to β€œlevel the playing field” 🀣

They’ve been making mid products for years and have…well, in a way, been scamming collectors with their anti consumer practices. They need to be called out for it more, not baby swaddled like some people do on FB.


Their recent She hulk Daredevil figure. It’s ugly as sin. It a figure that proves the existence of God…because only the devil can make something that godawful.

What’s their excuse for not putting any effort into it? Does the figure not cost the same as their others? So why does another similarly priced figure look exponentially better (well, in HT standards 🀣) than D’devil? Why did Matt Murdock become the throwaway figure of the year?

**** HT bro 🀣 they’ll never earn my respect ever again.
Don’t forget the standard HT didn’t include the sticky bomb gun so you’re not even getting a full figure.

I think you’re throwing that term about a bit liberally. People here tend to have high standards and an eye for accurate details but there are many instances where collectors will overlook or accept certain flaws because the product as a whole is more than satisfactory.
You might have missed all the pre-release posts related to a tiny section of stitching on the InArt figure’s thigh that was present on one proto but not another. That and the missing Gandalf trouser hem print that’s seemingly never actually been seen by anyone are indicators that collectors are holding InArt to an equally high standard as they do HT.

We can compare both figures to the film suit and the actor’s likeness, and judge their construction and functionality as action figures, to compile an objective and unbiased list of pros and cons for both.

We’ve seen enough now to conclude the InArt pros outnumber HT pros.

Therefore, if someone on your favourite Facebook group exclaims the HT is better, it would only be natural to enquire as to why they hold that view and maybe even list sone significant merits IA has over HT to test the HT fan’s reasoning- since a deep analysis can prove them wrong.

That’s not fanboying for IA.
That’s natural human curiosity in attempting to determine how subjectivism can overrule objective metrics.
It’s a little argumentative but online conversations tend to screw that way. See the majority of your interactions with board members as evidence.

Best post of the day.
season 8 applause GIF by RuPaul's Drag Race

This is such a damned good post.

Right? I wish I can convey things as well Chopper’s post did 😭
I've actually just watched both reviews and gotta say the rooted sculpt is growing on me, I actually like it.

I'm planning to sell on both Bruce and bat signal and just keep the batman figure, though BW looks good it doesn't nearly hold the presences of batman.

Very pleased with how these turned out.

As for the magnets I also don't get why you can't just add one large string magnet, heck like mentioned above if KP can do it so can inart!
I think InArt’s excuse with the magnets is bs. It’s not like magnets are some rare hot commodity item or something and if other companies can do them at lower price points no reason InArt shouldn’t be able to as well.

I don’t like the idea of my expensive figure taking a tumble and getting damaged. One of my main complaints on an otherwise great looking release.