Allow me to explain my level of OCD are you guys ready lol
Collectors have benefited from my OCD.
I treat Marvel Legends the same as I would a Prime 1 or JND.
My biggest pet peeve here it goes.
I watch video after video after video on YouTube of collectors opening their dirty brown shipping box that was in a dirty boat or plane container then dirty warehouse then dirty delivery truck and without washing their hands open the dirty brown shipper and immediately touch their super expensive item!!!
They’ll even have the dirty brown shipper on their parts and posing table!
I wear gloves whenever unboxing anyways and I still wash my hands after being done with the dirty shipper and never handle the item with dirty hands EVER!
From the second I first touch the item and for the life of the item my hand is clean at all times when handling them!
I don’t smoke I don’t eat in my collection room I don’t have pets no dirty brown shippers are even allowed in the collection room I’m always baffled watching people handling their expensive items with dirty hands!
Not me.
Hygiene is a very crucial part of my collecting habi…routine!
I work way too hard and these items are all super expensive to not be OCD but I even treat the ML/BS the same way lol