InArt - The Batman 1/6th Figure

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I appreciate it man. I do try. When the figure looks so good, it makes it easy. Bonus: the stock body is awesome…

Apologies @Scout Trooper , I really hope your situation gets sorted out.

But yeah, the stock body…so you remember in the opening scene on the train station where Batman punches that dude into probably needing brain surgery?

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That’s his knee. This figure can ACHIEVE that. But the suit started pushing back passed a certain degree.

Had the body featured ratchet joints in the torso, I believe 100% i could’ve recreated that pose perfectly.

Despite the outfit limiting certain DEEP dynamic poses…what’s achievable now is nothing short of awesome. I had a lot of fun. Made me forget I was a peasant for a while 😅
great review as always. loved the opening monologue lmao
All due respect, but **** the influencers. I don’t care if they reviewed this thing a thousand times before you got yours: I could’ve watched an hour of this. I was in awe when I got this thing out of the box and I was equally in awe watching the video. You absolutely killed it and, if they don’t revise their “influencer batch” strategy, they’d do well to bump Riley to the bench and send yours first. Good lord…

Wow, truly appreciate the words man 😅

I really hope they revise their strategy. Mainly because it’s making the rest of us feel under appreciated. Initially I also felt it wasn’t fair to other YTers with a small following (like myself) trying to grow their channel…but that in itself was still selfish. No one should feel like the leftovers.

For all the **** I give HT, they don’t have designated batches. Just the 2 batches: China, then the rest of the world, a month long boat ride later.

Cape is futzed and bicep armor looks good. Great review man! Great cinematic shots you got and the soundtrack helps set the theme. I’m gonna say it again but Will and Riley getting figures early and making them look like s*** is so frustrating.

Cant wait for mine to arrive.

Provided yours is problem free, you’re really gonna get a kick out of it.

Will’s ok with his display. Riley on the other hand…he’s gotta use them reference shots. Hell that’s what I did 😂
Nice review bud. I did feel a sadness though I was like "my boy look how they turned him rabid" lol but I feel if you did more of those face up shots and some slight full body shots that would have been nice. They were almost like stills from the movie.
Gary.. so this is becoming a common issue perhaps? Gosh. Let me know how it goes. Mine's just sitting in the box. Kind of lost all excitement for it. All that talk about getting parts and an Unreal sculpt? That's on the backburner now..

How did you go about taking off the suit?

Not too sure, think I opened mine up last week or the week before and it's the first thing I noticed when articulating it. I absolutely love that with Inart you can have the arms hang in a natural looking way beside the torso, it's one of the best things about the company for me... Go figure that aspect is an issue with my first ever opened figure from them.

I can still move it, but it doesn't go flush like the other side,.from the sounds of it mine is less damaged than yours but I'm not filled with confidence if these are the responses you're given. Will contact Kit to see what he can do.

It's pretty easy to strip the torso - take the head and the cape and neck armour off, slide the gauntlets off the arms and the bicep armour and shoulder pads, undo the zip to the small of his back and raise the arms forward , remove each sleeve.

There's nothing I can outwardly see. At first I thought the fat suit might be impeding. There was a residue on that side, I'm thinking perhaps glue or something, but I don't think it is. I spent a good 15 mins gently rotating it within reason of all angles it should go. There's just no ratchet at all on the left side. I'd suggest removing the top suit to have a look to see if there's anything obstructing yours, hopefully it can be a miracle easy fix for you if you can do that. All the best for getting it sorted mate, absolutely sucks when a piece you've been waiting for comes in damaged, completely marrs the whole figure even when fixed.
Not too sure, think I opened mine up last week or the week before and it's the first thing I noticed when articulating it. I absolutely love that with Inart you can have the arms hang in a natural looking way beside the torso, it's one of the best things about the company for me... Go figure that aspect is an issue with my first ever opened figure from them.

I can still move it, but it doesn't go flush like the other side,.from the sounds of it mine is less damaged than yours but I'm not filled with confidence if these are the responses you're given. Will contact Kit to see what he can do.

It's pretty easy to strip the torso - take the head and the cape and neck armour off, slide the gauntlets off the arms and the bicep armour and shoulder pads, undo the zip to the small of his back and raise the arms forward , remove each sleeve.

There's nothing I can outwardly see. At first I thought the fat suit might be impeding. There was a residue on that side, I'm thinking perhaps glue or something, but I don't think it is. I spent a good 15 mins gently rotating it within reason of all angles it should go. There's just no ratchet at all on the left side. I'd suggest removing the top suit to have a look to see if there's anything obstructing yours, hopefully it can be a miracle easy fix for you if you can do that. All the best for getting it sorted mate, absolutely sucks when a piece you've been waiting for comes in damaged, completely marrs the whole figure even when fixed.
Thanks for the advice man. Now that you mention it, neither of my arms are ratcheted.

My left arm (the relatively good one) can hold any position and move with ease. But it feels like your standard 1/6 body arm. Is it not supposed to be?

I can't get either arm too flush to the body either. Although I didn't really try much. But the right one took so much work just to get it close.

You've no idea how much this has marred this figure for me. I have parts I ordered coming in soon. I was so damn excited (and it's been a 2 year wait). I'm just not wanting to think about it anymore.

I'm hoping you get yours sorted. Maybe if Kit gets more reports, Inart might reconsider. I doubt it though.
Thanks for the advice man. Now that you mention it, neither of my arms are ratcheted.

My left arm (the relatively good one) can hold any position and move with ease. But it feels like your standard 1/6 body arm. Is it not supposed to be?

I can't get either arm too flush to the body either. Although I didn't really try much. But the right one took so much work just to get it close.

You've no idea how much this has marred this figure for me. I have parts I ordered coming in soon. I was so damn excited (and it's been a 2 year wait). I'm just not wanting to think about it anymore.

I'm hoping you get yours sorted. Maybe if Kit gets more reports, Inart might reconsider. I doubt it though.

Seriously sorry to hear this mate. What a ****** situation.
Hope yours comes out great man

Thanks man! DHL called me yesterday (after a week!) and said I have customs duty to pay but should be delivered Monday next week. Excited but very nervous!

What’s the plan for yours if it cannot be fixed? You could always try selling off what you can. Would probably fund another figure just about.
Nice review bud. I did feel a sadness though I was like "my boy look how they turned him rabid" lol but I feel if you did more of those face up shots and some slight full body shots that would have been nice. They were almost like stills from the movie.
Hehe thanks man 🥲

This video was actually a bit of a rush job. There were a few more full bodied dynamic shots, but the cape wasn’t properly futzed to reflect those actions because of:

1-Got an 8 month old and I was needed constantly, preventing me from fully concentrating on filming.
2-getting that ‘natural’ drape takes work. Folding, curving, bending the wire requires time…time I couldn’t afford to spend sadly.

So those dynamic shots with a “limp” cape didn’t look right, and I decided to cut them out. You can kind of see an example of this. The pose that’s supposed to represent the scene where Batman throws up his fists to Oswald in the club. I had a shot where you can see the whole figure, but the cape was limp. I wanted the cape to billow to create the illusion of turning around.

And The moment I moved one portion of the cape and the natural drape lost its silhouette…I thought “ah screw it.” Then left it alone, along with some of that footage🥲🥲
Excited but very nervous!
Don't be. This doesn't seem like a common problem. Just my usual bad luck.
What’s the plan for yours if it cannot be fixed? You could always try selling off what you can. Would probably fund another figure just about.
Either I'll leave it as is (I would say the bad arm has about 60% articulation, which is better than nothing) or I'll strip the figure down and maybe try a regular slim shoulder body swap? I don't know if it's a possible / good solution. It'll take some work and consideration.

Maybe I'll keep an eye out for a parted out body, but it's probably going to be expensive..
Finally done!

Absolutely insane work there man!

Just came home to find he had fallen backwards off the base. He was stood up perfectly straight beforehand.

My joy for this figure is fast plummeting, no point of paying all this money more for it to come defective, and if not coming defective, becoming so because their bases suck... at least the card didn't bend.

Edit tosay: I think the issue with mine is the ankle joints probably aren't strong enough, and the magnets can't counter this so he goes. Luckily he fell over backwards, slightly against the wall so one ear is slightly more curved. Not having the best luck with my first Inart. Has anyone else's fallen over?
Until now I displayed all my figures free standing without a grabber. Not gonna happen if he is indeed soft ankled.

They took so much time with that figure, how can such an issue happen on a production piece. I know its only been two cases by now, but considering the few figures which have shipped so far, this is disappointing.
Thanks for the advice man. Now that you mention it, neither of my arms are ratcheted.

My left arm (the relatively good one) can hold any position and move with ease. But it feels like your standard 1/6 body arm. Is it not supposed to be?

I can't get either arm too flush to the body either. Although I didn't really try much. But the right one took so much work just to get it close.

You've no idea how much this has marred this figure for me. I have parts I ordered coming in soon. I was so damn excited (and it's been a 2 year wait). I'm just not wanting to think about it anymore.

I'm hoping you get yours sorted. Maybe if Kit gets more reports, Inart might reconsider. I doubt it though.

That's strange. My right arm definitely seems intentionally ratcheted, like it settles at the next position and then can hold weight. I assumed that's how it should be.

My right arm goes flush naturally, for the left to go flush I need to push his arm behind the back to the right side to over extend the joint so it sits closer, still not as close as the right.

Yeah, I'm weighing if it's worth reporting, but I think it is, so I'll shoot him a message soon. Inart especially need to know, and in regards to their bases they need to be made aware how shoddy they are. Either give stronger magnets across the whole base or give a crotch grabbing base. Especially on a figure with a heavy cape.

All the best getting your sorted as well mate, I really hope you can start to enjoy the figure when you do!
Idk how some of you guys take the chance with the magnetic bases. Brave indeed. I’d rather stick them on a crotch grabber and call it a day or not use a stand at all.

Call me naive but I believe you should be able to trust a product that costs half a grand in the parts it comes with of it fulfilling their purpose to a solid degree. Cut all the crap useless accessories and combine the cost of those to a stand that actually works. A magnetic stand isn't advancing the hobby if it doesn't work.

I have complete lack of faith now. It recalls the images of the fallen Batman at one of their shows. The praise for Inart listening to fans is great with appearance and details, and yet fails incredibly at functionality. Again, why spend time on paint application or joints of a body when your base and joints can't sustain the weight of a neutrally standing figure and the potential for damage. Why listen to fan feedback and not address a glaringly 'dangerous' problem to a figure that a lot of collectors dread. This comes with a base, with a function, everyone is going to trust it, partly because of the cost of the item - high cost of product brings to mind good quality parts. My latest JND Superman statue? You put the magnets close together and it forcefully snaps the product close to it. The base weighs over 10 kg, and you can lift the seperate part that joins magnetically whilst it's attached without the magnets unlocking. This leads me to believe Inart are purposefully and willfully choosing to have poor product in this regard, and know about the issues as they were raised from that event.

Funnily enough, and coincidentally happened with another Batman, I had a strange feeling that my Hot Toys Batman in 2013 had fallen off the shelf on Bonfire night, got home and he took a dive from a high shelf, damaged head sculpt. This morning I left and thought, I hope he doesn't fall, thought about it again when I got home... he had fallen, thankfully he was on the desk and not a high shelf.

I'll upload the picture of the pose he was in to show the neutral pose. Just to add, it was either this morning or yesterday he was Michael JAckson leaning forward, think I mentioned it in a comment also, probably spurred my gut feeling of a fall happening, but he was returned to this position, possibly a degree or two further back to counter him leaning forward again. Regardless, this figure should not be leaning and falling in such a stance.

Edit, picture of pose:


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I noticed his ankles are weird as well, but I don't think its the strength of the ankle, but rather the split-cut boot design. You gotta find the sweet spot, I have my figure on a crotch grabber but its purely for aesthetic reasons, I wouldn't have any issue displaying him with no stand.