InArt: The Lord of the Rings - Aragorn 1:6

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I’m sitting there with 6 cloaks and still complaining :ted
Mine arrived! Thanks Kit!

First thoughts overall, I really like it. My favorite 1/6 Aragorn so far but I believe I am actually going to prefer my sculpted clone whenever it arrives more. My biggest frustration so far are the hands. I just did a real quick setup, I am not a skilled photographer and my iPhone seems to keep changing the lighting after I take the picture so it does even look like it did to me when I took the picture.

Anyway here are a few with no futzing of the hair. Just put on his gear and stood him on the stand.

My apologies for the crappy pictures that don’t did it justice.




And now to throw him in the trash because he is useless without the ranger cloak.
3 Aragorn arrived yesterday as planned, and the 4th will arrive tomorrow. There arrived very quickly and perfectly packaged, huge thanks to Kit !!
The figure is awesome, but, IMHO, has a few flaws that can be easily corrected.
The unboxing shows three figures perfectly similar, except for the haircut. I think the headsculpt is incredible, and it's funny how the expression seems to slightly change depending on the light and angle: from soft/benevolent to determined.





The third has less product in the hair, so they look clearer. The paint apps are slightly different for the beard, the first seems to have a little more precise painting when the third seems a bit less precise. But, when you're 30 cm away from the figure, it doesn't show.
I've heard in some reviews that the hands can't hold a weapon because of the poor magnet system. Be careful concerning these magnets, some are not pushed enough in the hands so the hand will indeed fall very easily. (below are 2 same hands)

Really enjoying the figure so far. Styled the hair a bit more today. Water treated it around to give it more of that wet sweaty look he had in the movie.
Super happy with it. Had a good staring session at it in the detolf today. Cloak or not, this figure is a big win in my books.
What INART needs to do is announce Legolas already. It's been ages. :gah:Need Gimli as well to have the trio together.


Joker forearms made sense and provided a clean easy attachment, but it doesn't work for hands when you want to angle them and need to apply pressure and make sure things are secure when holding heavier diecast weapons and whatnot. The snap when a typical hand is placed on a peg fully is pretty key since you can't always see the connection with sleeves and whatnot.

I imagine they'd be embarrassed to drop the system and switch to standard pegs though. Don't get me started on the stands.
I agree but I'm trying to remember if the pegs we get from Hot Toys provides a clear feedback when inserted. I had a problem with the Obi-Wan Vader and the gloves just feeling like mush when swapping them around. Made me not want to swap them anymore and just leave it as is with one pair.

I wish these pegs across all companies would have an audible *click* when plugged in. Get rid of the useless magnets in there and make it a system that provides a clear feedback when swapping them around. You should always know when a hand is fully plugged in or not and it shouldn't be loose or a struggle to do so.
For the first figure, I'm going for the Strider look.
When you remove the vambraces, the sleeves are very stiff, tubular, and won't fold; particulary the piece of black leather on the right forearm that is very stiff and straight. I also found that the coat was not dark enough for the very dark and sweaty look of strider.



In order to achieve a more natural and worn look, I slightly burned the whole coat (and I ended eventually burning the jerkin too) with a mini blowtorch. The result is fantastic, the piece of leather slightly shrink and fold very well, and the coat went darker just as I wanted, and in addition the texture is smoother ! The difference is subbtle but critical for me.



I splattered some mud paint with a toothbrush on the bottom of the coat and the rolled coat, put some sandpaper on the belts and straps to dull them (they were very shiny) and burned also the little cords of the straps.




The head was another story. The first head I worked with had plenty of product on the hair, and an overall good look.
The two flaws I find with the hairing Inart does are the curliness, and the lack of some kind of "bang". I mean shorter strands before the forehead.
So I began with removing the product and try to straighten the hair. That was not easy but the result is there. I then gave Aragorn a haircut, worked with a paintbrush and a mini comb to restyle the hair and fixed it with my "do it all" product: Pliz.







So, in my opinion, with a little work this figure is stunning and perfectly matches the prototype, wich has a good haircut, a perfect detailed painted beard, and is very well lighted and photographed.



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Hope you don't mind, Neko, I used your pictures for a COMP so people can see the variance on the heads...

This is Neko's 3x Aragorns...

View attachment 725260

One is bored
One is puzzled
One is pissed off

@Neko good job on the restyling. I'm planning to do the same thing when I receive mine. Would you mind doing one shot with the hair slightly covering the sides of the face more?