All you see in my posts is pure complaining, but I am describing the facts why most people are passing on this figure and why Sideshow has to limit its run to 750.
The figure comes with one accessory, the bazooka. Even this is shaped wrong. The figure comes with a sculpted hat head even though he is hatless while using the bazooka.
The costume is nothing to write home about. If you browse moneydepot or other related sites, you can find similar loose German uniforms for very low prices along with leather boots instead of the rubber/plastic boots German Indy is wearing that appear to be from the same mold as Luke, Han's, and Cobra Commander's.
As for the Pro, at this point, I find the Buck as a superior body. The Pro's joints are so loose, it is comical in a sick way. From the ankles, to the hips, the torso, shoulders, and neck, posing Indy reminds me of Weekend at Bernie's. And can someone explain why they made the standard height of the Pro shorter than the Buck which they have based all their other figures on?
I'm not trying to be negative or exaggerate the facts. I would love to see Sideshow be successful and make their products appeal to a wide audience. They want their products to fly off the shelves, right? And the more figures they make per run, the more money they make back in return, right? So it is in their best interest to have large edition sizes that sell out. But that will only happen when they raise their standards to match the competition and have some common sense that matches consumer interest.