Okay, jumping in since more people have seen it and maybe I'm not insane after all

... The main problem with it was not the sci-fi aspect - I actually think that was pretty cool if it had been handled correctly. The problem is GIANT plotholes and a WAY too complicated plot / too many protagonists. What's up with movies these days thinking they have to overcomplicate everything and throw everything, including the kitchen sink, into the mix? (I'm not even getting into the forehead-smacking WTF?-ness of some of the silly CGI crap... Jeep-in-tree anyone?? I think Gruson covered those

It was like a cartoon, or a video game.)
The ONLY part I enjoyed with child-like abandon was the motorcycle chase - that was as close to classic Indy that it ever came. I enjoyed the jungle chase for the first 5 minutes - then when Shia got repeatedly smacked in the nuts for a cheap laugh (I think once is probably enough), I checked out for the remaining bit... the monkeys and ants made it worse, and just when I thought it couldn't POSSIBLY get worse, came the Jeep-in-tree bit (Tom, I thought you were KIDDING about the junk-smacking, just to bag on Shia!!)
Anyway, Shia aka 'Mutt' (so cute - he's named after the dog - sigh) summed it up for me at the end... "I don't understand"... why this movie was made. I thought the wedding scene was like a dream or something, it was so fake and stilted. Had to go immediately watch Raiders after I got out of the theater to wash the taste away.
Simply - without the Indy name attached and the nostalgia involved, this movie would be getting panned unanimously for how stilted, unnatural, and ridiculous (yes, I know the other Indy's are pretty ridiculous - but this takes it to new levels that I never wanted to see in an Indy movie) it is. What happened to the natural lighting, on-location filming, and gritty realism from the first three? Not to mention the cleverness. It felt like they were all simply 'acting' in this one... just hitting marks, no true charisma coming out, except for a couple of moments here and there. There was no real heart and definitely no heart-in-mouth, 'how's-he-gonna-get-out-of-this-one' moments that define the first three. (and yes, I totally understand that Indy has aged and lost loved ones - but still)
I honestly enjoyed the National Treasure and Mummy films more than this 'Indiana Jones' spoof (seriously, parts are more like a National Lampoon parody of an Indy film), and sadly will never be seeing it again, nor buying the DVD. And you know me, I LOVE silly popcorn films like Transformers and POTC2. This is neither one of those films NOR an Indy adventure film, IMO. So sad
(sorry, didn't mean to sound so hateful, it just all came pouring out, once I opened the floodgates!!

And if you haven't seen it, by all means go to the theater and view it for yourself. That's why I didn't post a review early. I don't want to dissuade anyone from seeing it and judging for yourself!