I enjoyed it. More importantly, I enjoyed my time watching it.
Was it everything I wanted from another Indy movie? No way. I wanted no cg, I wanted Sean Connery, I wanted John Rhys Davies, I wanted a Frank Darabont script. But I'm not going to attack this movie for not living up to my fantasies.
I still wish they had made one in the late '90's. Ford was still kick-ass, even in bad movies like Air Force One, Speilberg was doing phenomenal work with Saving Private Ryan and Lucas had yet to go back to Star Wars. An Indy in his early 50's would have been fantastic with this one ten years later. All the comments of what Indy did during WWII made me me regret that lost movie more.
I found the sci-fi a little hard to swallow and the characterization in the script flat at times. Also, things looked a little too clean. It didn't have the gritty integrity of other three films.
But I did like this one a lot. It didn't blow me away but I left satisfied. There were TONS of temples and traps, good fistfights and jokes that fit in the tone of the series (love the kid in the library!). Ford felt like Indy, Ray Winstone's character surprised me, Karen Allen's chemiustry with Harrison was right there (and I loved the backstory!) John Hurt was tremendously underrated, and Shia LeBeouf and Cate Blanchett did their usual best. And who would have thought that "Young Indy" counted?
I guess Lucas was right. You were going to hate this. :emperor