I think that Lucas and Spielberg should be forced to turn in their DGA Cards and retire after making this film.
That reminded me of an interesting story. Lucas has no DGA card to turn in; he's not a DGA member anymore.
Lucas turned in his DGA card back when the DGA tried to force him to put the credits to
Empire Strikes Back at the top so the director's credit would appear in the final position before the movie started (they had just won a guarantee of this positioning in their collective bargaining agreement). The DGA fined Irvin Kershner something like $35,000 for accepting the credit format Lucas wanted -- the identical format to
Star Wars three years earlier. Lucas paid Kershner's fine, resigned from the DGA, and said that he would never shoot in America again. And he kept his word, at least regarding
Star Wars; he used a British director for the third film and based production of both it and the prequels in England. I think the first Indy films were also based at Pinewood Studios. I don't know about the Young Indy television series; by the time it rolled around I wasn't paying attention.
Ironically enough, the DGA's specifications for the director's credit were later modified to
either last card at the opening
or first card at the end. But Lucas has never returned. I doubt very much that the DGA ever apologized. It's not their style.
I'm curious whether any shooting on Indy IV took place in the U.S. It could have; Speilberg is a DGA member and award-winner, the billing in KOCS meets current DGA requirements, and Lucas' position as producer isn't an issue for DGA. Anybody know? It would have been Lucas' first American-shot footage in 28 years.
Robert Rodriguez also quit the DGA over their refusal to allow him to share directing credit with Frank Miller on
Sin City. At the time, Rodriguez indicated that he had no problem dropping out and rejoining as it suited him so that the DGA could have its sovereignty over creative rights and he could make his movie the way he wanted. And I think Quentin Tarantino has been in-and-out over the DGA's rigidity with regard to its negotiated creative protections.
I know you were speaking figuratively, but thought you might be interested to know.
God I'm old. I actually remember this stuff from back when it happened.