It was too late for me last night to get into my thoughts on this movie. I tried to go in with low expectations because I didn't want to be upset with it.
I don't get the hate with this movie. Is it the best of the series? No, its probably not but I need to see it again to really graps where I would ACTUALLY rank it. Overall, I had a pretty damn good time and I plan on seeing it again and buying the DVD. No, I'm not trying to feed the machine but simply rewatching/buying a film I had a damn good time at.
The first few mins took me a little getting into it but I've never been a HUGE fan of 50 era style movies. The whole drag racing sequence basically. Once Indy stepped on screen it started drawing me in and the fun started going on from there.
Loved the sequence in the warehouse and the homage to Raiders with the Ark. The action and Indy doing what he does to find this crate was cool. It was a lot like what happened in LC which was fine with me. Then you take him going through the bombing town that added something to the movie. What? For me it really put Indy in the decade and what was going on with just being out of WWII for just a few years really. The fridge sequence was alright maybe a little too out there for me and my sister but I just blew by it and kept having fun.
It kind of pissed me off with the whole Indy being accused of possibly being a communist. I seriously wanted to beat the flying muck out of those guys, and actually if any part really bugged me it was that whole he might be a communist thing.
I loved the homage to Jones Sr and Brody when Indy was at his desk. I found the line the other guy said to be very true because I've heard my own Dad say it. You get to the age where life stops giving you so much and taking some of what you love back. I loved that because I think you saw Indy realize that time is short and enjoy the ride/love those around ya.
Then you enter Shia LaBeouf who IMO did a super job in his role and I see where his character might have some potential. I wasn't the biggest fan of the greaser aspect but he did a great job of pulling it off. Then you toss in how he interacted with Ford during the whole thing, and showed moments where he was a little bit short round then goes and acts a little bit like Indy.
When they go looking for the skull that was pretty cool, but I like how it was actually about archeology. Indy doing what he does to find it and getting Mutt out of trouble. Just like Indy always has to do with whoever the sidekick is. The karate guys where maybe a touch strong but I take that as all part of the game like the guys from TOD. Then them finding the bodies and the skull was just freaking awesome. That reminded me of Indy and the Idol in Raiders for some reason. I think it might be the expression on his face.
Indy looking into the skull really helped bring it all together and it worked for me. Mac pulling that trick on Indy pissed me off but it was supposed to tick ya off IMO. Seeing Marion again was great! Though she didn't say a lot but it was nice seeing her back. Indy and the Snake that was freaking great! All I could think about was Raiders when he gets into the plane and freaks out. Mutt not knowing and using it was classic as well.
The battle sequence in the jungle was pretty freaking cool. I thought the pacing of it all was pretty well done and I had no issues with the CGI. The stuff with the Monkeys was nonsense and could have been left out as far as I'm concerned. I know my sister felt the same way about that too. The Ants though I thought was great! I've seen enough National Geographic and Discovery to know there are ants that do this type of stuff. So to me it was believable and fun/sick to watch it all go down. I also loved how the ants stayed away from whoever was holding the Skull. I could also have lived without the multiple nut shots to Mutt. 1-2 ok but after that it was like we get the point.
Once they got into the temple it was again like Raiders for me. Waiting to see exactly how things where gonna pan out for Indy. I loved seeing all the aliens and the look was pretty sweet so it worked for me. Spalko's death was fine with me too. Why? It was a lot like Donovan's death in LC. She did not choose wisely and for that choice paid the ultimate price.
The wedding was nice and I'm glad to see Indy now moving into that phase and am curious to see where this takes him.
Overall, I am sad that some aren't enjoying this movie because I think you're missing a good one. Its no worse than TOD for me or thats where I'm leaning right now. The pacing and the way the all acted off each other was fine. So I got not complaints there. Sure, there where a few moments where I was like ok as I said and a few small others but it didn't kill the movie for me. This was INDY and I can't wait for Indy 5.
I don't get the hate with this movie. Is it the best of the series? No, its probably not but I need to see it again to really graps where I would ACTUALLY rank it. Overall, I had a pretty damn good time and I plan on seeing it again and buying the DVD. No, I'm not trying to feed the machine but simply rewatching/buying a film I had a damn good time at.
The first few mins took me a little getting into it but I've never been a HUGE fan of 50 era style movies. The whole drag racing sequence basically. Once Indy stepped on screen it started drawing me in and the fun started going on from there.
Loved the sequence in the warehouse and the homage to Raiders with the Ark. The action and Indy doing what he does to find this crate was cool. It was a lot like what happened in LC which was fine with me. Then you take him going through the bombing town that added something to the movie. What? For me it really put Indy in the decade and what was going on with just being out of WWII for just a few years really. The fridge sequence was alright maybe a little too out there for me and my sister but I just blew by it and kept having fun.
It kind of pissed me off with the whole Indy being accused of possibly being a communist. I seriously wanted to beat the flying muck out of those guys, and actually if any part really bugged me it was that whole he might be a communist thing.
I loved the homage to Jones Sr and Brody when Indy was at his desk. I found the line the other guy said to be very true because I've heard my own Dad say it. You get to the age where life stops giving you so much and taking some of what you love back. I loved that because I think you saw Indy realize that time is short and enjoy the ride/love those around ya.
Then you enter Shia LaBeouf who IMO did a super job in his role and I see where his character might have some potential. I wasn't the biggest fan of the greaser aspect but he did a great job of pulling it off. Then you toss in how he interacted with Ford during the whole thing, and showed moments where he was a little bit short round then goes and acts a little bit like Indy.
When they go looking for the skull that was pretty cool, but I like how it was actually about archeology. Indy doing what he does to find it and getting Mutt out of trouble. Just like Indy always has to do with whoever the sidekick is. The karate guys where maybe a touch strong but I take that as all part of the game like the guys from TOD. Then them finding the bodies and the skull was just freaking awesome. That reminded me of Indy and the Idol in Raiders for some reason. I think it might be the expression on his face.
Indy looking into the skull really helped bring it all together and it worked for me. Mac pulling that trick on Indy pissed me off but it was supposed to tick ya off IMO. Seeing Marion again was great! Though she didn't say a lot but it was nice seeing her back. Indy and the Snake that was freaking great! All I could think about was Raiders when he gets into the plane and freaks out. Mutt not knowing and using it was classic as well.
The battle sequence in the jungle was pretty freaking cool. I thought the pacing of it all was pretty well done and I had no issues with the CGI. The stuff with the Monkeys was nonsense and could have been left out as far as I'm concerned. I know my sister felt the same way about that too. The Ants though I thought was great! I've seen enough National Geographic and Discovery to know there are ants that do this type of stuff. So to me it was believable and fun/sick to watch it all go down. I also loved how the ants stayed away from whoever was holding the Skull. I could also have lived without the multiple nut shots to Mutt. 1-2 ok but after that it was like we get the point.
Once they got into the temple it was again like Raiders for me. Waiting to see exactly how things where gonna pan out for Indy. I loved seeing all the aliens and the look was pretty sweet so it worked for me. Spalko's death was fine with me too. Why? It was a lot like Donovan's death in LC. She did not choose wisely and for that choice paid the ultimate price.
The wedding was nice and I'm glad to see Indy now moving into that phase and am curious to see where this takes him.
Overall, I am sad that some aren't enjoying this movie because I think you're missing a good one. Its no worse than TOD for me or thats where I'm leaning right now. The pacing and the way the all acted off each other was fine. So I got not complaints there. Sure, there where a few moments where I was like ok as I said and a few small others but it didn't kill the movie for me. This was INDY and I can't wait for Indy 5.