Indy 12'' line on ''pause.'' OR The Future of the Sideshow 12" INDY Line

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Re: Indy 12'' line on ''pause.''

With Sideshow we should have always set our expectations low to begin with.

When you say "we", speak for yourself there buddy. 95% of my expectations have been met with Sideshow which is just about the highest track record of a company buy from. I think they do an overall good job of balancing quality with price. Maybe we should expect Hot Toys sculpts from Sideshow, but we are also not paying the horrible prices and my for me personally, Sideshow still delivers the best VALUE.

And their stuff kicks ass. I wouldn't waste my life haunting this site if I hated their product so much....
Re: Indy 12'' line on ''pause.''

When you say "we", speak for yourself there buddy. 95% of my expectations have been met with Sideshow which is just about the highest track record of a company buy from. I think they do an overall good job of balancing quality with price. Maybe we should expect Hot Toys sculpts from Sideshow, but we are also not paying the horrible prices and my for me personally, Sideshow still delivers the best VALUE.

And their stuff kicks ass. I wouldn't waste my life haunting this site if I hated their product so much....

To the contrary, I am pleased overall with what we got so far but I had higher, MUCH higher expectations for this line than the 6 figures we got. And there's definitely room for better quality as demonstrated by the mass cancellations of the Ark and Belloq and they wouldn't be sitting in their inventory now. Hell I even bought their much hated German Indy which is the Indy line equivalent of G.I. Joe's Firefly and I'll admit that it has problems, most of which being the lack of a new non-hatless sculpt. Nevertheless, I supported the line out of my love of the film but hey, if you liked how they turned out and are satisfied with only the 6 figures we have and have no hopes or expectations for more then congratulations, you are easy to please. I wanted more and I expected more.
Re: Indy 12'' line on ''pause.''

You know, the line could just be on "pause" because they are hard at work on a new body for ToD Indy & Mola Ram as well as a new female body for Marion. :monkey3 :monkey2

In all seriousness, I still don't get why no Map Room Indy. It would be super easy to produce - new head (or just ST Han w/ new hair if that's cheaper), new robe, new turban, new Staff of Ra, reuse shirt, pants, & shoes. $70 and it would sell well methinks. :huh

Oh well, if anything like German Indy it would probably have had an oversized head and wrong colored costume.
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Re: Indy 12'' line on ''pause.''

I found this to be interesting from the 12/11 Ask Sideshow Q&A:

A few years back, when you developed the Hobbit body, there was some talk of also using it for other lines that had shorter characters. I realize that the LOTR line is now defunct (sniff), but are there still plans to utilize that smaller body for, say … Short Round, Jawas, Ugnauts, etc.?

Absolutely, yes. The “hobbit body” will make a triumphant return in 2010 or 2011.

Is Short Round still possible? They could just be referring to the Jawas and Ugnaughts mentioned, but really... the hobbit body won't work too well with either of those unless modified. It'd be perfect for Shorty, though. Hrmm...
Re: Indy 12'' line on ''pause.''

I found this to be interesting from the 12/11 Ask Sideshow Q&A:

Is Short Round still possible? They could just be referring to the Jawas and Ugnaughts mentioned, but really... the hobbit body won't work too well with either of those unless modified. It'd be perfect for Shorty, though. Hrmm...

Could a minituarized Hobbit body be the as-yet unannounced Yoda that'll be revealed in '10?... I'd love for a TOD Indy with Short Round two-pack...but... sigh... :whip:monkey1
Re: Indy 12'' line on ''pause.''

Even miniaturized the hobbit body would have to be altered so much to be used for Yoda that it'd basically just be a new body.

It can't be him... unless he's going to be retardedly oversized and/or ill-proportioned.
Re: Indy 12'' line on ''pause.''

You know, the line could just be on "pause" because they are hard at work on a new body for ToD Indy & Mola Ram as well as a new female body for Marion. :monkey3 :monkey2

In all seriousness, I still don't get why no Map Room Indy. It would be super easy to produce - new head (or just ST Han w/ new hair if that's cheaper), new robe, new turban, new Staff of Ra, reuse shirt, pants, & shoes. $70 and it would sell well methinks. :huh

Oh well, if anything like German Indy it would probably have had an oversized head and wrong colored costume.

The problem is that they would sell Map Room Indy for $90-$100. I think that's the real issue here. I don't think anyone has a problem spending $90 for a figure that comes loaded like adventure gear Indy and KOTCS Indy and even Henry Sr. It's when they charge $90 for a bare bones variant that makes the figure seem less than desirable. People would also be a little more forgiving with some issues like the oversized head, poor paint apps or wrong colored-clothing if the price was much more reasonable.

I think the line is pretty much dead. They just want to keep the door open just in case, I suppose. I doubt that even if they sell out Henry and KOTCS Indy that they will continue the line. They seemed to have said and done the same thing with the LOTR line, not committing to saying it was done and making people believe that if Sideshow sold out their back stock then the line would continue. And you know how that turned out.
Re: Indy 12'' line on ''pause.''

I wouldn't have bought German Indy at $30.

And my guess is the Hobbit body will be seen in SW. They been hinting that 2010 will see aliens and new body types.
Re: Indy 12'' line on ''pause.''

I wouldn't have bought German Indy at $30.

:lecture :lecture :lecture

My custom one is more accurate and cost me less than that.

And my guess is the Hobbit body will be seen in SW. They been hinting that 2010 will see aliens and new body types.

Probably. Watch them make Mannequin Skywalker: Worst Child Actor Ever™ from TPM but never a Short Round. :rolleyes:
Re: Indy 12'' line on ''pause.''

You know, the line could just be on "pause" because they are hard at work on a new body for ToD Indy & Mola Ram as well as a new female body for Marion. :monkey3 :monkey2

In all seriousness, I still don't get why no Map Room Indy. It would be super easy to produce - new head (or just ST Han w/ new hair if that's cheaper), new robe, new turban, new Staff of Ra, reuse shirt, pants, & shoes. $70 and it would sell well methinks. :huh

Oh well, if anything like German Indy it would probably have had an oversized head and wrong colored costume.

I would absolutely pass on a map room Indy. Getting him without/before getting a Sallah would be a slap in the face. Only a measly six figures deep and three of them are ****** Indys. :monkey1 NO MORE INDY VARIANTS!

To the contrary, I am pleased overall with what we got so far but I had higher, MUCH higher expectations for this line than the 6 figures we got. And there's definitely room for better quality as demonstrated by the mass cancellations of the Ark and Belloq and they wouldn't be sitting in their inventory now. Hell I even bought their much hated German Indy which is the Indy line equivalent of G.I. Joe's Firefly and I'll admit that it has problems, most of which being the lack of a new non-hatless sculpt. Nevertheless, I supported the line out of my love of the film but hey, if you liked how they turned out and are satisfied with only the 6 figures we have and have no hopes or expectations for more then congratulations, you are easy to please. I wanted more and I expected more.

I actually agree here, to some extent. I'm impressed with the figures we've been getting from Sideshow when it comes to Star Wars and even moreso with G.I. Joe, but the Indy line has been disappointment after disappointment until Senior and yet another Indy variant closing the book. :banghead:banghead:banghead
Re: Indy 12'' line on ''pause.''

I would absolutely pass on a map room Indy. Getting him without/before getting a Sallah would be a slap in the face. Only a measly six figures deep and three of them are ****** Indys.

yeah.. but it would have made much better sense than the german disguise Indy... what was sideshow thinking when they tried to do anything WW2 german in 1/6... the stuff already available made that figure tooooo easy to do on our own.. and do much better as well.. what with the high quality embroidered german insignia, real leather jack boots and leather 98k pouches all over the 1/6 market there was no way Sideshow could have topped what we can already get.. EVERYWHERE... Maproom Indy would have at least been something useful.. ( especially a 1/6 medallion).. plus the possible accessories would have been much better than the empty box German Indy came in... oh well...
Re: Indy 12'' line on ''pause.''

Sideshow making INDY license decisions:

Re: Indy 12'' line on ''pause.''

Sideshow making INDY license decisions:


Corrected your post. Really sad. I remember being hella stoked when they announced this line, looking forward to all the fantastic products they'd produce... I just wish Indy'd turned out like Star Wars and the Joes, which just show the love dumped into each release. Seeing Senior just adds insult to injury as the potential's been there all along but for some reason, pre-Senior, Bobo just missed the bullseye. :(
Re: Indy 12'' line on ''pause.''

Corrected your post. Really sad. I remember being hella stoked when they announced this line, looking forward to all the fantastic products they'd produce... I just wish Indy'd turned out like Star Wars and the Joes, which just show the love dumped into each release. Seeing Senior just adds insult to injury as the potential's been there all along but for some reason, pre-Senior, Bobo just missed the bullseye. :(

henry senior was the first in this line which i am happy with straight out of the box, the adventure indy's paint apps bugged my so much that it got me into customizing and touching up my figures.

but how long do we or should we give sideshow to reboot this line before calling it a day? maybe indy 5 will renew interest and someone else might be able to grab the licence and do it justice. (i can hope, its almost xmas after all!)
Re: Indy 12'' line on ''pause.''

henry senior was the first in this line which i am happy with straight out of the box, the adventure indy's paint apps bugged my so much that it got me into customizing and touching up my figures.

but how long do we or should we give sideshow to reboot this line before calling it a day? maybe indy 5 will renew interest and someone else might be able to grab the licence and do it justice. (i can hope, its almost xmas after all!)

I'll be surprised if we see KOTCS Indy. I wouldn't be surprised if there's been a debate over the fridge being cost effective and the potential of it not selling (like the other exclusives). That's the only reason I can see them calling a "pause" after Senior and before Geezer Indy's release despite him being announced and PPO'd. They don't take any money beforehand so there's no risk other than disappointment with cancellation. As for anything else, if you've been collecting any of the 1:6 lines they've produced and have canceled, the warning signs have been more than obvious.
Re: Indy 12'' line on ''pause.''

But has Sideshow ever done that? Had a PPO where everyone ordered and then canceled the item before it ever shipped? I think KOTCS Indy is safe, but it will be the last in the line.
Re: Indy 12'' line on ''pause.''

But has Sideshow ever done that? Had a PPO where everyone ordered and then canceled the item before it ever shipped? I think KOTCS Indy is safe, but it will be the last in the line.

Not to my knowledge, no, but I wouldn't be surprised if this would be a first. They're in a safe position to do so.
Re: Indy 12'' line on ''pause.''

With the KOTCS figure due in Q1 2010 they must be well into production on it by now and would have to take a significant hit on the costs if they were to cancel it. I would think (hope) it is going to be released.