He's worth having for that reason alone. The only potential problem I see down the line is him not being strong enough for the later matches even if upgraded.
I'm at the last set of stages. Though it took me seriously about 15-20 tries to get through the last fight in the 5th bonus stage after you fight Prison Superman.
Because of that I'm going to start over and power up other guys I have plus earning coins so I can hopefully get my current group higher elite status.
Well good on you for diving in. Like I said after getting it handed to me in that last bonus level I'm hesitant to start that last stage before some grinding.
I've got a Batman (non-Insurgency) level 38, with no boosts, and his moves are maxed out, with the exception of his Super (which is at 50%), a Regime Wonder Woman level 40, promoted to Elite II, with all powers maxed, and the strength of Demeter boost, and an Insurgency Harley level 13, with nothing upgraded.
I think I may need to do some grinding. Level 41 is ridiculous. It starts off with the first two rounds being incredibly easy, and, then, out of nowhere, the third round is like impossible to beat.
That's what I was afraid of. I have a real problem of leaving a stage after I already started. So I want to spare myself the torture and frustration of playing the same battle 20 times.
Don't be. I was like that once, but, the way I have learned to see it is, "I conquered it once, and I can do it, again." I'm only 3 in on this one, so I think I'm going to spend a little R&R time with my other characters. Leveling them up and saving coin to buy another gold booster pack (and praying that I get another Wonder Woman in said Booster pack).
Even though I'm guilty of buying coins, I can't bring myself to buy the actual cards of the fighters I want (booster cards though, whole other story). Case in point, Regime Wonder Woman. I know I'll own if I get her up to a Elite IV but I just can't pull the trigger on the purchase.
Speaking of boosters have you acquired all of the experience booster cards?
Also side note. Apparently WW Regime is card they give you for finishing the last stage so if you get to Elite IV with her don't be tempted to buy it to finish.
I bought the Red Son pack. It's pretty awesome but you have to make it a point to put all 3 cards from set in your lineup because of the boost you get for fighting with the set (I think it's 25% more damage).
If I didn't have other characters (i.e. my elites) that I've put time and coins to upgrade them I would definitely focus on them. They are crazy strong.
I slightly regret purchasing it because I could have reallocated those coins elsewhere.
Hmmm...that sounds awesome. They need to get the different skins in here like they've got in the console version. Hell, I don't even care if they make them new characters.