My first printed fabric samples have shipped and I just ordered another set, this time onto sueded polyester instead of cotton - it might fit this banner style and scale better, so I'm looking forward to compare the results when I have both in hand.
Also in the house is 8 feet of 1/4" rod and waiting on some stainless steel hanger supports. Photos soon.
OK, I'm expecting the first samples to be delivered today and based on the GoT samples I received last week they'll probably be too dark. I've ordered new samples this morning to test 8 color/tonal variations and opted for the rush service at an extra $25 just for shipping - they should be here by Friday.
If all goes well I'll get production of the final banners started by the end of the weekend. Later this week I'll go out to grab the rod stock I need once I figure out how many units I'll be making in the initial batch. By next week I should have pricing set once I test the hems.
Got the samples back, making final changes. I'm waiting to hear back from my printer on an issue I'm having with greys and blacks blending together (overprint) for some of my GoT banners before I send everything for a production run.
I decided to go with aluminum for the first batch and they look really great. The first samples of the stainless mounting hooks are also in and mate perfectly with the rod. Yeah, I know what I just wrote.
Just waiting for a reply back from my printer and then I'm going to get one last color sample before putting the first order through. I won't be waiting on the GoT stuff I'm also making as there's currently a technical issue with the printing being investigated for that (different material and it doesn't affect this banner set).
I also had to invest in some new tools to finish the production here in my workshop, so I hope it's worth it in the end.