Not as bad as last year when I spend $632 on an AMD Athlon 64 X2 4800+ Processor and then one month later it was worth about $200. And I've just replaced it with a processor that's faster for $180.
Not as bad as last year when I spend $632 on an AMD Athlon 64 X2 4800+ Processor and then one month later it was worth about $200. And I've just replaced it with a processor that's faster for $180.
Not as bad as last year when I spend $632 on an AMD Athlon 64 X2 4800+ Processor and then one month later it was worth about $200. And I've just replaced it with a processor that's faster for $180.
Wow a first gen with no issues. Those suckers had tons of issues. I have a few friends who worked a few different retail places that sell these and in the begining they told me not to get one they were having around a 25-30% return rate on Ipods that were breaking.I actually still use my first generation 5GB iPod. It's like the energizer bunny and just keeps going. I've been wanting to upgrade for a while, but on the other hand if it's not broke why fix it? Ugh... decisions, decisions.
Today, I finally did it. I bought an iPhone.
Yes, I know I said I'd wait for the next generation, but I just couldn't resist the $200 price drop. Anyway, I'm taking my chances, because this may be the only chance at nabbing the-soon-to-be-obsolete 4GB model for under $300 (it's OK, I'm not proud). Now why would I buy an iPhone, when I could've waited for the $299 8GB iPod Touch, you ask? Here's my logic:
No Phone: The new iPod Touch may have more storage, but it doesn't have a phone. This means you still have to carry two devices: a phone and the iPod Touch. I don't know about you, but I'm not one to carry an iPod everywhere I go. That's why I say no thanks to the iPod Touch. I'll just stick to an iPhone and eliminate all the excess baggage.
No Camera: The 2-megapixel camera is gone.
No Bluetooth or EDGE: This means no bluetooth headphones, headset, or access to the Internet when you can't find a hotspot. Bummer.
Wi-Fi: Woohoo, it has Wi-Fi — but what's the use of having Wi-Fi if you can't always access a hotspot outside the house? Once you walk out the door, the only place you have free access to the Internet is at Starbucks to buy music.
Storage: Why, oh why on earth would you pay $299 for an 8GB iPod or $399 for 16GB? OK, so it's flash-based, has a multi-touch interface, a beautiful 3.5-inch display, and Wi-Fi capabilities, but the price just seems outrageous when the 160GB metal iPod Classic is only $349. Makes me wanna weep.
No New Features: The iPod Touch is just an iPhone without a phone. And why didn't they add new colors, FM radio, an expansion slot, or a microphone to give it VoIP capabilities? Even the Sony Mylo and Zune have some of these features. Why make it look and act like a PDA, yet leave out important things like a microphone.
The good news is we now have options. Options are great when you don't have to to decide between carriers, or find ways to unlock the iPhone without it blowing up in your face. The iPod Touch has great features, but doesn't compare to the iPhone. Now that the iPhone is cheaper, why not go for the one with the most features at the expense of storage? Besides, I already have plenty of storage for music on my four other iPods.