Try a second one,shipping back and forth is free.I would give them 1 more chance.
Is that really their policy? 3 statues and 4th statue is free?
I agree 100%. To think that Sideshow's QC thought that this was acceptable is disgusting. I know some people will say that the QC is a guy in a Chinese factory, but that is completely irrelevant. Sideshow hired the factory, Sideshow released this sloppy product, and Sideshow shipped a "premium" item to customers that had blatant poor quality paint applications. I am really disappointed because my flipping Bowen Ironman had better paint apps than this.It's very poor work and frankly it's offensive. To work hard for that money and buy something and in the end be very disappointed...
To People Trying for a Replacement:
Has anyone that didn't purchase this from SS been given an RMA or a confirmation that you'll be receiving a replacement? My vendor still hasn't given me any notice.
Probably they won't do nothing, they made what ? 2800 statues and let's say 50 people requested a refund/return.
That's 2%-3% of the production numbers ? So that a good overall product.
Maybe I am wrong, but I think both of you are underestimating how widespread the subpar paint apps are. Looking at the posts on these boards and at statueforum, most people have major complaints about theirs and are planning on exchanging or returning theirs. Even these people that have posted pictures and are happy with their statue have rough chin-paint applications at best.Webb thats the thing I think. Is overall of the 2800 that where made its probably not many that have the issue. It happens to any company be it SS or HT (yes they have their issues too).
Sweet! Jay you got any idea why the little nameplate thing has a groove in the back of it?
I am a reasonable guy. But man I am FN pissed now!!! The paint issues are unacceptable. It's like some kid painted this. I don't want an exchange. I want a full refund! This is BS. War Machine is soooo getting canceled too.
I am gonna get a full hot toys iron man line. So much better.
What the hell...why can SS never get an IM piece right? Its like every piece they put out is always followed by issues. When I get mine in a few weeks, if it looks like that I sware I will never purchase another IM product from SS. I've been trying to get AND KEEP just ONE good IM piece from SS for the last 2 years. So far Ive sent back every single one of them. This will be my 4th attempt....