Yep. +REP btw
I posted this list somewhere else (I forget) but I figured you should see it since you missed it initially. It covers all the Sideshow IM releases to date and to be released that we're aware of. Green good, red bad, orange I'm unsure about.
Pre 2009 releases:
- Classic IM (US flag)
- IM bronze
- IM Comiquette
- Stealth Comiquette
- Mk 1 Maquette
- Stealth LSB
- Invincible IM LSB
- Namor vs IM dio
- Mk 2 LSB
- Mk 3 LSB: paint peeling, dead LED's
- Mk 3 BD LSB
Post 2009 releases:
- Mk 6 Maquette: paint peeling off the chin, dead LED's, misaligned faceplates
- Hulkbuster Comiquette
- War Machine Maquette
- War Machine Bust
- Mk 6 LSB: Upside down arc reactor (really!? ), horrible paint app, mismatched red paint on head and torso, broken parts, LED shining through the entire helmet
- Mk 7 LSB: horrible paint app, dead LED's on arrival
- Mk 7 LSF: horrible paint app, dead LED's on arrival, foot pegs don't fit or sit flush, magnets too weak and parts fall to the floor and get damaged and/or break - and this is their top of the line $2000-$2500 Iron Man product mind you
- Iron Patriot Maquette: horrible paint app, horrible portrait
- Iron Patriot LSB - poor paint
Shipping Now (End May 2015)
- Mk 42 Maquette - First in hand pics okay
- Mk 42 LSB - First in hand pics okay
Upcoming releases TBD:
- War Machine Mk 2 Maquette (IP variant)
- Mk 2 Maquette
- Mk 3 Maquette
- Mk 5 Maquette
- Mk 7 Maquette
@ JAWS: you never responded to my post where I listed SSC IM releases, did you miss it?![]()

I did not get a chance to respond or fully look it over because I was at work.
First off. IM fans need to collect more then IM then maybe SSC won't make so many and put more effort into just one a year

12 good - 7 bad - 3 unsure. That's not a bad record
Seriously though you can see how the issues started post 2009.
I can't imagine if SSC was crapping the Bed like that with pieces I cared about. I might be in the same boat when I get the Mark III. I hope the rectify things completely. This new one seems to be a positive step back in the right direction.
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