Thanks buddy

As I mentioned in my review on my display thread, the pics actually make the bust look better than it does inhand (funny cos it's usally the other way around with the piece looking better inhand due to a bad pic)

but in all honesty, the bust is totally not worth the $1K price tag...not even close! At best, its about as good as the SSC MKVII lifesize bust and even that was overpriced at $799
The paint apps on the IP bust is what really lets it down for me

totally flat paints with paint bleeding and bubbles under the surface of the paint, bad mention just a few flaws. I was really disappointed I must say. However, the sculpt is really good and you can tell its been scanned from a digital print of the movie...and its extremely heavy not to mention HUGE with a nice added touch of the shoulder canon.
I'd certainly advise collectors to think twice about ordering this sum it up, its just not worth the asking price