It's not a fight, head sculpt aside EVERYTHING about a HT is a doll, their bodies are generic with lots of joints which are ugly as hell if their not covered up. I've yet to see one single sexy looking HT, the reason is due to generic plastic bodies. A statue can be sculpted to highlight the sexy curves of a female body or detail out all the muscle definition. You also get dynamic poses which you can't obtain with a hot toy since you need the stand to hold them up. People go on and on about how you can pose Hot Toys but every time I look at pictures of peoples collections, all their HT's are just standing straight up on the crotch stand. There also not easy to pose, I bought all the Avengers and Dark Knight HT's, thought I'd give them a try but when I put them next to my statues they really did look like toys. I'm willing to concede HT's heads might be works of art but from the neck down it's all doll/action figure.
Now there's nothing wrong with collecting HT's, but I do tire of HT collectors continuously bashing statues. IMO their completely different. And No, as much as some of you guys want to think HT's are poseable statues, they're not
I know you were not talking about me but I never bash anyone collecting anything, statues, HT, stamps, vacuum cleaners, rocks, etc. I love statues and collect both like i said. I like the detail of HT and i like the poses you can get with a statue like this one. The HT iron patriot could never be posed like this. I wish statues were as lifelike as HT but i like the presence you get with a statue, they do stand out. I do like being able to change the pose and look with the 1/6 scale figures. I also think from the neck down HT clothing and tailoring are just as amazing as the HS. I do put my HT and Statues together, both formats are equally as good in my and my friends eyes. I just consider them all collectibles.