Ugh, so to all the SS vet out there...based on past experiences/etc/etc, what is the likelyhood of my waitlist getting converted (I got on it late last week)
Well back when the economy wasn't in the toilet, a very hot item that sold out within hours usually didn't have much of a chance..... But now a days, the crappy economy has forced many people to cancel their wait lists and preserve their disposable income (if they even have any)
So all in all, I'd say you have a better chanceBut if you REALLY want this piece, you'll have to resort to other board members here, or the evil bay......
Anyone ever call Sideshow and ask them to inspect their shipment for flaws before shipping. I know that it's a longshot but has anyone ever tried? I was thinking about doing this if I decide to pay all in full instead of using the Flex that I have it convert to currently.
Anyone ever call Sideshow and ask them to inspect their shipment for flaws before shipping. I know that it's a longshot but has anyone ever tried? I was thinking about doing this if I decide to pay all in full instead of using the Flex that I have it convert to currently.
Hi all,
I received this bad boy yesterday, and it totally blew me away. Talk about exceeding your expectations. This piece is HUGE, and it's a space killer, but man, does it display beautifully.
They really nailed it with this piece. It is so fluid and graceful, as you would expect Spidey to be. The 'legs' add a bit of menace and wonderment to the piece. While I think BiB will be great, I think the legs balance out the sculpt as a whole, and will be missed in BiB. While I'm a bigger fan of the black costume, I think this piece will display far better.
The exclusive is an absolute must on this piece. It just sets the mood, and brings back to memory where this version of Spidey originated.
Even if you are not a big fan of Iron Spidey, you have to love this as a piece of art.
Thanks Sideshow! Great Work on this one.