Super Freak
Well, I think I have found the perfect display pose for my Stark and Mark XLII could withstand the Destroyers blast, and in the comics fought Surtur. Three of them, maybe. Cott damn it, the more I think about it, the angrier Iron Man 3 makes me feel...
I'm still baffled why a very wealthy genius looking to take a large controlling power of what I took to be a global foothold, decided it was a good idea to take a drugged out man whore as his figure is a ridiculous notion. Apart from the fact that he did say he did some acting, and im sure someone in the world could have said..oh I know that guy..he is Trevor and is definitely not some extreme radical. Just didnt add up
I'm still upset about how cheap the new armors were compared to the Mark 3-7, they just kept falling into pieces every time they took a hit. The only upside was Jarvis and Tony were able to control them outside of the suits. Guess quantity doesn't beat quality.
Because Extremis soldiers are strong enough to fight Thor, I doubt they can beat him but they are a challenge, Mark VI would last just a few seconds against that type of enemy imho
If they fought like they did in the movie...why they felt the need to go close combat is beyond me..hover 300 ft away and rain pain down on the extremis and they would have all been toast..not one armor would have been over. Instead they felt the need to put them toe to toe with an enemy that could damage them by touching them...for a genious..Shane Black made Tony Stark one big dummy.
If they fought like they did in the movie...why they felt the need to go close combat is beyond me..hover 300 ft away and rain pain down on the extremis and they would have all been toast..not one armor would have been over. Instead they felt the need to put them toe to toe with an enemy that could damage them by touching them...for a genious..Shane Black made Tony Stark one big dummy.
Yeah, I felt the same way but at the very least, they explained why the Mark 42 was such a piece of junk. It was a very early prototype. The other armors though, there was no excuse. They were brought down too easily.
You are over thinking it, if you like to think like that then you must be wondering why Iron Man ever got into close combat right? if you are not... then you just disliked the movie
To me, it was perfect, in every wayI love the Suits, I love that Pepper finally does something and that Killian ended up being a badass
(if you ever feel like watching the movie you'll notice the Extremis soldiers had a hard time fighting the suits, if the entire fight was 1 E. soldier vs 1 Suit, most of the suits would be ok, remember some of them were not made for a huge fight)