Super Freak
I'm sure they keep track of sales numbers, and can probably tell from the first week that a figure becomes available for preorder how well (or how poor) it's going to do. If Red Snapper did really poorly, either in initial sales or due to a lot of cancellations after people saw the movie, then I could see them putting on the breaks and rethinking the idea of more secondary armors.
I still think it's been a bit strange that WM2.0 is the only figure they've announced since the movie came out. After all that hype leading up to the movie.
I could be wrong. They're the only ones who truly know and they certainly aren't going to tell us.
I still think it's been a bit strange that WM2.0 is the only figure they've announced since the movie came out. After all that hype leading up to the movie.
I could be wrong. They're the only ones who truly know and they certainly aren't going to tell us.