Super Freak
Have you considered breast implants?
You won't even think about that tooth with some beautiful d-cups down there.
You won't even think about that tooth with some beautiful d-cups down there.
Hi. I just wanted to chime in. Which tooth is it? Honestly it is almost advisable to restore a tooth rather than remove it. Removal can cause teeth to shift and it could cause problems with your bite due to teeth drifting and supra-erupting. However if you can't afford it then just have the tooth extracted. Root canals are relatively painless unless there is infection. If that is the case then I would place you on an antibiotic and perform the procedure in 7 to 10 days. Is the pain spontaneous? Does it keep you up at night?
you want it cheap....
tell your dentist you can do without the anesthesia. that takes care of almost half the bill.
is one of the molars might be the first or second, im not sure which, it has a hole, sometimes im ok but then it hurts really bad.
i dont think i want an implant, but i guess it would be between rot canal or bridge,
is root canal cheaper? i know it might be the best option, but if the tooth is going to be dead, thats what makes me wonder
probably the way to go,but very expensive
$3500 a tooth
its the older research that gets shunned
here is the link which works just fine and is on the 1st link I posted https://educate-yourself.org/cn/rootcanalcoverup02apr04.___ml
apparently this doctor was Silenced/covered up, as ALL Truthsayers are! especially in nutrition and medical care...The AMA/ADA are a multi-billion industry and it would hurt them bad financially if real truthful medical research or another opinion was given to the public.
Sorry, Ween, I'm w Teemu on this one and it's not just one doctor's opinion.It's someone's opinion. Just do your research. That's what I did and I decided to get one.
Sorry, Ween, I'm w Teemu on this one and it's not just one doctor's opinion.
The first study done on the poisons created by root canals was in 1925 and it was a 25 year study. Since then more studies have been done- and it has little bearing on how the procedure was performed. I learned about the dangers of root canals at least 15 years ago by someone not affiliated in any way with the previous link I posted.
I gotta disagree with you. Root canal filling material is usually done with either gutta-percha or silver points. The techniques have gotten more sophisticated with use of sealants, better files, rotary instruments, microscopes, etc. Everyone has a right to make their own choices in life, especially when it comes to their own health and health care. However, I can assure you that root canals are very safe and effective (in fact, it has some of the best success rates for any procedure in all of medicine). There are literally hundreds of thousands of these performed every year. If there were problems, I can assure you would hear from it. You can read all of the studies you want, and there are plenty of them. Just be selective, otherwise, you can get some real bad information. The real problem with people doing their own research is filtering out all the bad studies that don't undergo proper peer review and get published in one of the numerous "junk" journals out there. Go to the Cochrane database, and start there. It's peer reviewed by independent researchers and is the gold standard in the research community.
interesting that this research was done by A DOCTOR, which just like every other DOCTOR qualifies him to give sound true advice?
one's opinion over another's?
I have to agree with this statement
"So, the first question any rational person would ask themselves is: “Why would I want a dead tooth in my mouth … for the rest of my life?”
Good question! Answer: You don’t want a dead tooth in your mouth for the rest of your life.
Please show us another instance in your body where a dead organ, tissue, limb, digit, etc. is purposefully kept in or attached to your body by the Medical Practitioner. Show us just one example?"
It makes ALOT of sense to me.Ya know, not ALL Mainstream medicine/dental practice is what its cracked up to be.The Dentist serves you poisonous Fluoride,and then Your Doctor will offer you poison (Radiation/Chemo) if you get Cancer.I think people foolishly trust their Doctors as what they say is 100% true as law in their care.
Especially when there are so MANY other Doctors who have done the research giving you much better alternatives to healing
Nothing is more greater than Nutritional Care when healing the body inside out,including Teeth! Your body was designed to heal itself through proper nutrition...
I can agree that it's an opinion. Any doctor can say whatever it they want to say but that doesn't make it necessarily right. I personally practice evidence-based-dentistry. I read twenty research articles a month to try and keep up (it's really really hard to keep up with everything that you need to know in medicine). You can trust whoever you want, and they can say whatever they want. There are plenty of weird, medically unsound opinions out there. Some of which you touched on. You tell a cancer patient to not get chemotherapy, and in my opinion, you are sentencing them to their death. Steve Jobs had a very treatable form of cancer, but he refused chemotherapy trying alternative medicine instead early on. That decision ultimately killed him. I have a co-worker who is alive today due to her cancer treatment for colon cancer. I has have seen several moms who have survived breast cancer, and it was due to their treatment that they are still with their families today. Yes, the medicine is toxic but that's the point. It kills the rapidly dividing cells, hopefully reducing tumor size etc. I hope you are not arguing that the treatment is worse than the disease?
As far as the root canal is concerned, why does it matter if the tooth is dead? It's still your tooth and your body isn't going to reject it due to bio-incompatibility. I think it's great that this treatment is available and has such a great success rate. Different parts of the body function differently, so the treatments are going to vary based on that function. If you have a heart attack, and require a stint or bipass surgery, are you going to refuse it because it will require materials that are artificial? I hope not.
in regards to Cancer,I would never do chemo/radiation treatment..
Chemo/Radiation destroys your Immune system which its your Immune System is what heals the Cancer
I have seen fantastic truth films such as 'Food Matters' 'The Gerson Miracle' 'A Beautiful Truth' 'Dying to have known' that proves that Nutrition Therapy works better.I whole heartily agree with Dr. Max Gerson's work(who was silenced) and evidence along with Charlotte Gerson who has to practice nutritional therapy in Mexico.Diets are what causes Cancer to begin with.Most people only know what the mainstream tells them,and refuse to seek out alternatives
majority of Cancer patients that use Chemo/Radiation therapy end up dead anyway.plus,Heathly patients don't make big bucks for the American Murder Association anyway.If people ate properly,there would be an epidemic of health,and the cancer rate (which is 1 out of 2 people now) would drop significantly.
Cancer cannot Live in an Akaline Body State....its all about PH Balance and Food plays a big role in that.Food is the biggest contributor to disease.If you have a strong Immune system then you body will HEAL itself....
Just like when you get a cut,your body heals...same thing everywhere else,but through giving the proper nutrition.
Watch Food Matters Documentary and the Gerson Miracle which has actual testimonies of people who did nutritional therapy and Cured their disease without Chemo or Radiation...
you eat garbage,you become garbage and get disease...its inevitable
in regards to Cancer,I would never do chemo/radiation treatment..
Chemo/Radiation destroys your Immune system which its your Immune System is what heals the Cancer
I have seen fantastic truth films such as 'Food Matters' 'The Gerson Miracle' 'A Beautiful Truth' 'Dying to have known' that proves that Nutrition Therapy works better.I whole heartily agree with Dr. Max Gerson's work(who was silenced) and evidence along with Charlotte Gerson who has to practice nutritional therapy in Mexico.Diets are what causes Cancer to begin with.Most people only know what the mainstream tells them,and refuse to seek out alternatives
majority of Cancer patients that use Chemo/Radiation therapy end up dead anyway.plus,Heathly patients don't make big bucks for the American Murder Association anyway.If people ate properly,there would be an epidemic of health,and the cancer rate (which is 1 out of 2 people now) would drop significantly.