From one of the fan reviews on Best Buy:
"If one is a music lover then one appreciates all music. Great music is great music! Great art is great art!
This brilliant piece of art is not about comparing and contrasting Old Guns N' Roses vs. New Guns N' Roses.
It's also not about the length of time it takes to produce great art -- so what if "Chinese Democracy" took years to complete -- it is art and there is no time limit on art. "The Last Judgment" is a mural by another great artist, Michelangelo, on the altar wall of the Sistine Chapel. It took eight years to complete. It was created from 1534 to 1541. To this day in history it is appreciated as one of history's most amazing, brilliant works of art, which I believe "Chinese Democracy" will also be.
Artists work to create their art and if they chose to share it with the world -- that is their choice. Axl Rose is another artistic genius that creates what is in his heart and soul and we are fortunate that he choses to share it with the world and history.
Be appreciative that you are alive to witness one of the most brilliant minds (Axl) and bands (GN'R) in history. Many of us young fans weren't around to witness The Beatles or Led Zeppelin. Now we are fortunate enough to live in a time where we get to see Guns N' Roses -- and a band like GN'R (both the new and old versions) does not just come around every day/every year."