I think there are just as many polite kids , they just don't get as much light because they're not always craving attention. You can't forget them because giving the brats this attention is exactly what they want and enjoy. When I used to be on youtube I'd get a lot of messages from kids because I was only young myself , some of them would be spoiled brats saying this and that sucked and telling me what I should and shouldn't do but then a lot of them were really polite and just interested in this hobby.
I also don't think it's fair to compare kids of the 80's to kids nowadays just because they have mobile phones and whatever else. That isn't the kids fault , if they go to school and everyone there has a mobile phone ( which honestly I think is a good idea nowadays ) they probably think of that as something normal. I'm not sure what I could compare it to back then but if we go 20 years ahead from now there will be other things that will make mobile phones look crappy and make the new kids look spoiled. I was laughing a couple of weeks ago with friends remembering having to rewind VHS tapes when I saw my little cousin getting annoyed flicking through the menus a blu ray of toy story 2 to get to the last chapter.

How would he know what that was like though ?.
Every 20 years the newer generation is likely to look more spoiled that the last because life in general for the younger generation is starting to look a lot easier . To me it sounds like a lot of you guys have done better for your kids than you're parents did for yourself which is a good thing but you could be judging your kids to hard based on that imo.
Some of you are saying " I didn't get half of the stuff my kid did " but to me that sounds like you weren't really appreciating what you were getting at that age. It isn't your kids fault mobile phones weren't invented that didn't need storing in a suit case.
I honestly think if you're kid is under appreciative and doesn't respect you then you're doing it wrong. You definitely don't have to hit them for them to learn that, when parents hit their kids for being lazy or swearing they've learnt it from somewhere. I'm 20 now and I'm paying for everything on my own and already have savings of my own , I didn't have it hard and had a pretty good life. I just learnt you have to work for it.