I think they don't have the same appreciation that older collectors have. Me personally - I grew up dirt poor so I hardly ever had new toys when I was a kid. Everything we had was second hand or donated by our church.
And even my childhood friends who were well-to-do didn't get everything they wanted.
For these kids - I think they just can ask and they get it. So no appreciation.
That's the biggest thing. Kids these days do not appreciate anything.

My 15 y/o son is a perfect example. We take him to concerts, movies, NASCAR races, Monster, Jam, etc... None of these things are free. Or cheap by any means. I do more things for and with my kids in one year than my parents ever did my whole time as a kid. Don't get me wrong. I don't spoil them. They don't really ask for much at all. I just try to give them things that I didn't get when I was growing up.
But when it comes time to help out around the house it is like pulling teeth. He doesn't want to do anything. And when he does I am usually having to follow behind him to make sure he does it right. No appreciation for the things we do. And that is not how he was raised. It is a shame. And it is nothing more than pure laziness.