First of all, you don't have to give any kid a whooping. Just take away their Xbox and you have their attention. Secondly, I'm sorry but it's the parents fault if a lot of these kids are spoiled. The days of buying a GI Joe $20 action figure for xmas are long gone from the looks of it. Nowadays they expect laptops, phones, iPads, etc. The parents buy this crap for them. If parents would spend quality time with the kids instead of letting the Xbox raise them, it would be much better in this world. Some parents seem to think that if the kid is at home and off the street, but locked in his room 24/7 playing games, that they did a good job raising him and are spending quality time with them. Couldn't be further from the truth. I'm 42 single parent with a 17 year old son and he's the most polite, helpful, and well manored kid you'll ever meet. I get that comment all the time from others. The trick is that I spend as much quality time with him as possible with the right amount of being a parent and a friend. He has to know the boundaries and the differences. The other problem with these entitled kids, is the internet. You can say whatever to whoever without fear of repercussion. /rant over.