Sorry to butt in... interesting, useful thread, and I've always loved communicaion and philosophy discussions (if I were a psychology or communications PhD candidate, I would totally do my thesis on the interplay between members on discussion boards)...
But another good hypothetical situation, to further demonstrate why it's not the greatest thing to call someone on the other side 'ignorant':
If you were, say, a supporter of a certain politician, and someone came up to you and said, "How can you ignore all of his many flaws and mistakes and still support this man! You are so IGNORANT!!" Wouldn't that chafe you?
Ignorant is just not a very nice word to call someone, no matter what and no matter WHICH side you are on (cheerleaders VS negative nancies... etc). No one is ignorant *simply* because their worldviews differ from my own, whether it's in regards to politics, religion, movies, or action figures. It's taken me a few years, and countless internet and interpersonal discussions/arguments, to come to terms with this... (WHY doesn't he see it the way I do? It's so OBVIOUS!!!)... but if *I* can, I have high hopes for all of my Freaks out there
AAAaannnddddd.... goodnight *bows out*