I think Bob Iger and KK both skipped to the top of the list, lol.
His creation of new cinema tech has nothing to do with being able to write a good script lol
No GL only surrounded himself with YES people.
It is well documented how Star Wars 77 was just as much shaped by Kurtz and Marcia as it was Lucas.
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George did some very cool story telling with the Clone Wars series - some of the best Star Wars IMO, and Feloni was not a yes man - he had his disagreements with George and stuck to his guns. Truth is, since Disney bought Lucasfilm, the stories have not been as creative and imaginative - they are much more cookie cutter and lack the imagination that they had before - whether that is a result of George not being involved or others not being involved, or bowing to corporate Disney cookie cutter one-size-fits all or all the above, I don't know. I know that the movies and TV series George was involved with, overall they felt much more imaginative and like anything could happen. Disney stuff is just - in a word - depressing.
For Star Wars, I'll take the worse Lucas stuff over the best Disney stuff any day. They just don't get it, and don't know how to do it right.
His creation of new cinema tech has nothing to do with being able to write a good script lol
No GL only surrounded himself with YES people.
It is well documented how Star Wars 77 was just as much shaped by Kurtz and Marcia as it was Lucas.
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Although credit to RO they did nuke their protagonist lol
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Well documented by whom exactly? The only ones I've seen making these claims are rabid Lucas haters. George wrote it, directed it,set up the company to create the SFX and damned near killed himself in the process. Kurtz produced the movie and Marcia was loaned briefly from Scorsese to help edit and thats about it. Happy to be proven wrong though.
Lucas definitely isn't perfect (he did some revisionisms of his own, in fairness). Disney Star Wars is definitely not Lucas' Star Wars, but has its moments and if you can get past not feeling anything for any of the characters, Rogue One isn't a bad film.
But don't expect anything revolutionary from Disney - they were revolutionary when Walt was alive, but now they ARE the establishment. Lucas always bucked against the system (at least in his younger years), now it looks like Lucasfilm is also the establishment.
Anyone who thinks that Disney Star Wars is on par with Lucas' Star Wars clearly doesn't mind revisionism (Maybe Lucas had it coming after the revisionisms he did himself LOL), because from everything I've seen from Disney thus far, they've revised a LOT of things in Star Wars - ironically most of it isn't even PC or all-inclusive stuff, it's just so they could rehash the same old stories that were already told...
That's not progress, it's not ground breaking, that's regurgitation.
I don't like my Star Wars regurgitated.
Like Batman before Miller, Star Wars needs to go away for a while and be re-invented by someone with true vision.
Maybe a very dark and gritty take IS the way to go. I mean, the original did take place in a time of civil war with occupied territories. Maybe it should be much bleaker and harsher. Not a fairy tale anymore, but a cautionary tale instead.